
TS-62.JPGMedic TentFree flu shots at the medic tent? Who called this meeting?

TS-63.JPGTOCWell-fortified TOC.

TS-64.JPGParking LotCranes and slicks on the metal mats.

TS-65.JPGIn the fieldLarry Kettner

TS-66.JPGGroup PhotoLarry Kettner - Terry Savely - Olsen - Sadeler.
We didn't need Weight Watchers back then.

TS-67.JPGAir TaxiAlmost everyone took a photo of the pilot jockeys that kept the Huey slicks airborne.

TS-68.JPGView from the windowLotsa photos of Vietnam from the air. We'll never guess where.


TS-70.JPGHuey ViewEveryone took photos at one time or another from a ride on a Huey.

TS-71.JPGSlick ProtectionForgotten Fact: Many young men took immediate tour extensions if they were guaranteed jobs as Door Gunners. All riding and no walking.

TS-72.jpgThe Standown LadiesThese young beauties, out of uniform as they may be, are still a very welcome sight at LZ Oasis as the unit was "standing down". Admiring are: Frank Adams, Terry Savely, and Bill Burdick.

TS-D1.JPGGoing to the Dogs: Mascots of Bravo Battery"Here...hang on...Mocha wants to talk to you"