
TS-38.JPGAward TimeMedal being given at standown at LZ Oasis, March 1969.

TS-39.JPGDustoff BirdPossibly taken at LZ Valentine

TS-41.JPGJiffy PopDanny Olsen, HHC 2/35...using C-4 to make that wonderful meal we all enjoyed..."JIFFY POP".

TS-40.JPGDustoff Bird, Pt IIPossibly taken at LZ Valentine

TS-42.JPGBraceletsCheck out those Montagnard bracelets I'm wearing...a real fashion statement of the times.

TS-43.JPGSick Call?Medics Tent at LZ Valentine....I think.

TS-44.JPGThat's MeMe...all of age 19 with pimples, no chest or facial hair...and just a few pounds lighter.

TS-45.JPGAward FormationLt Donnie Blankin receiving an award.

TS-46.JPGDog TiredTOC RTO Larry Kettner reacts to a long night....ZZZZZZ

TS-47.JPGPete BirrowPete Birrow (past president of the 35th Assn) having a hot beer and a smoke. Hiding under the cot is the famous mascot "Short Round".

TS-48.JPGWarm Beer & a CigTerry Savely on the cot: Typical "off-duty" treat...warm beer and a cig.

TS-49.JPGYo! Resupply Chopper InboundEverybody took majors of this major beast landing and bring you re-supply.