
DM23.jpgFFEYou can almost hear the sound of a battery "firing for effect". This photo illustrates the "star formation" with the Base Piece firing from Battery Center and the other five pieces firing around the BP.

DM24.jpgVietnamese Marine BrigadeThis is a picture of the Commanding Officer and his staff of a Vietnamese Marine Brigade plus the American Marine advisors. They were working in the 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry’s AO for about a month and I was the 2/9th liaison officer with them. My job was to keep our batteries advised of where they were operating and to coordinate any fire support they needed.

DM25.JPGFighting at LZ LaneL to R: Lt Revera; RTO; Machine gunner; Platoon Sgt Hatch; Rifleman; FO Lt Dennis Munden.

DM26.JPGFighting at LZ LaneGun crew loading another round at LZ Lane, 14Nov66.

DM29.JPGMunden and FraleyLt Munden on the left and Captain Wallace Fraley on the right. Photo taken at Bong Son. Capt Fraley was my wife's first cousin's husband.

DM30.JPGMaking contactWe made contact at Dragon Crater on 21Nov66. I was calling in the artillery while RTO Robert McGlynn is providing cover.

DM31.JPGFighting at LZ Lane"B" Battery fighting at LZ Lane. They fired 980 rounds of artillery in support of my mission.

DM32.JPGLoyal RTOThis is a picture of Mike Rhoades, my RTO, 13Nov66. Mike was "on loan" because my regular RTO, Cpl Robert McGlynn, was on R&R.

DM33.JPG"A" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, Sept, 1966Officers & men of "A" Company:
Back Row - Lt Grant, KIA 13Nov66, awarded the Medal of Honor; Lt Herb Walters, 1st Sgt, Lt Jim Bambridge (seriously wounded 13Nov66).
Kneeling - Lt Terry O'Brien, KIA 13Nov66, awarded DSC; Lt Keoin.

DM34.JPGCpl Robert McGlynn - RTOThis is Corporal Robert McGlynn who was my regular RTO.

DM35.JPGReturning to Dragon CraterOn left: my RTO, Cpl Robert McGlynn; I am on the right. We were on our way back to Dragon Crater, 21Nov66.

DM36.JPGSgt HatchPlatoon Sgt Hatch, 14Nov66, LZ Lane.
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