
BB-74.JPGChecking the sightsElmer Lindsay (KIA) is looking through the Gunner's sights.

BB-75.JPGCleaning upBob Becker and Danny McMillan are cleaning up 20 minutes before the first recoilless rifle round hit the firebase.

BB-76.JPGAftermathGoing through things after mortar attack adn fire that swept the firebase.

BB-77.JPGAftermathContinuing the cleanup at the #4 gun.

BB-78.JPGAftermathElmer Lindsay (KIA) in the foreground at the #4 gun.

BB-79.JPGAftermath"Big Red" is holding a mortar tail that came through the roof of the bunker. Sandy was WIA at that time.

BB-80.JPGAftermathThis is the appearance of the #4 gun after it was hit.

BB-82.JPGAftermathThis is the #4 gun looking towards LZ Mile High.

BB-83.JPGArtillery strikeWe are watching artillery rounds landing in the valley below.

BB-84.JPGArtillery strikeMore rounds landing in the valley.

BB-85.JPGArtillery strikeArtillery rounds landing close to our perimeter.

BB-86.JPGArtillery strikeInfantry grunt sitting on the roof of a bunker surveying the damage from the strikes.