
BB-26.JPGThe Whole CrewThis is the #4 Gun Section prior to us going to LZ Incoming.
Back Row: Sgt Reedy (WIA), UNK, Phil Orville (WIA), Me.
Front Row: Danny McMillan, Bobby Gomez, Elmer Lindsay (KIA) and Carl Willis (not pictured).


BB-28.JPGExpert Chopper pilotsThis Chinook pilot laid the back wheels of his chopper on a personnel bunker while Sandy is hooking up the donut. I'm inside the bunker taking the picture.

BB-29.JPGMile High and IncomingThis is the view; see how LZ Mile High and LZ Incoming are both above the clouds.

BB-30.JPGNew gunI am standing next to our new gun.

BB-31.JPGReally highIt's no wonder that this LZ was given the name "Mile High".

BB-32.JPGDecorationsI'm standing next to the new gun with some decorations added.

BB-33.JPGBarbershop in the skyCasteel is giving someone a haircut; don't know who, though.

BB-34.JPGCalling for a huddleWe're having a team meeting at this point.

BB-35.JPGSo, what did they see?If this is how it looked to us Redlegs, what did our Grunts see?

BB-36.JPGHookup time againSandy is getting ready to apply the donut.

BB-37.JPGSomething in the valleyCarlos Casteel, Charlie South and I. Something in the valley got our attention.