
Steve_Cox_7.JPGGraduation DayMembers of the BCT class prepare to walk across the stage
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Steve_Cox_8.JPGGraduation DayA great looking class of BCT grads! Congrats to all!
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Steve_Cox_9.JPGFinale BanquetWe enjoy our "last meal" of the 2/9th Reunion at Mike's Sports Grill
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Steve_Cox_10.JPGPresenting a Plaque2/9th FA Webmaster Dennis Dauphin presents a plaque honoring LtCol Elliot Harris for his stupendous hospitality shown to our brother redlegs at our closing banquet
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

image1.pngMike's Sports GrillBack Row: Moon Mullins, Charles Skidmore, Carlton Epps, David Scott, Jeff LaBreck; First Row: Mike Kurtgis, the late Jerry Orr, John Cashin, and Ray Beebe.
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

J_Cashin_1.jpgJohn Cashin - Carlton EppsJohn & Carlton at the Firing Range with the BCT trainees
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

J_Cashin_3.jpgOur Host & Organizer Jerry Orr with John Waldman and Geary BurrowsPhoto courtesy of John Cashin

J_Cashin_4.jpgOn the Firing Range with TraineesJim Connolly explains how big the bullets were back in his day....
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

J_Cashin_5.jpgLunch TimeFormerly known as "Mess Halls", they are now called "Dining Facilities"
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

J_Cashin_6.jpgQuiet TimeCarlton Epps sits in quiet silence while sunshine fills the room.
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

Old_Plantation_-1.JPGDinner at the Old Plantation{Double click on photo to enlarge}
Dinner at the Old Plantation Restaurant in Medicine Park.
Courtesy of Carlton Epps

C_Epps-9.JPGMike's Sports GrillOur closing banquet was held here on Friday, May 11th.
Photo courtesy of Carlton Epps