
Ward_13.JPGMedicine Park MuseumWilliam & Diane Ward by the buffalo; Bob Patalano in the background
Photo courtesy of William Ward

Holy_City_Sign.JPGThe Holy City of the WichitasA little-known biblical historical park exists in the Wichita Mountains. Includes a chapel. A good touring spot!

Herod_s_Court.JPGHerod's CourtA very unique set of stone formations representing the court of King Herod.

Ward_14.jpgHoly CityStudying the brick inscriptions at Holy City

Ward_15.jpgHoly CitySam Nieto smiles from behind the brickworks at Holy City
Photo courtesy of William Ward

Ward_17.jpgTerry & Rita Stuber; Carol Crochet
The food wasn't that bad, eh folks? (Just kidding)
Photo courtesy of William Ward

51018d.jpg1/19th FA graduation dayGroup Photo
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

51018a.jpgShopping at Massad'sThe ladies do a little shopping on Thursday.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

IMG_6052.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationAt the Moway House range; looking downrange.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

IMG_6089~0.JPGGroup PhotoPhoto courtesy of Joe Henderson

IMG_6058.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationFellow redleg Joe Henderson, who is also President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn this year, checks out one of the vehicles at the range.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson (deceased)

51018b.jpgHoly City Group ShotPhoto courtesy of our Tour Guide, Barbara Moeller