The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

4,987 files in 91 albums with 0 comments viewed 580,740 times
Jim T. James


5 files, last one added on Mar 01, 2022
Album viewed 50 times

Doug Johnson


Photos contributed by Capt Doug Johnson, LNO for the 2/9th FA

17 files, last one added on Jul 04, 2010
Album viewed 57 times

Don M Keith


Photos contributed by Lt Don M. Keith. Don served as an FO with B-1-35 in 1966 - 67 and returned for a 2nd tour as a battery commander with the 173rd Airborne Division under Gen Hubert Cunningham. Don was at the Battle of Hoi Tan on March 6, 1967 with B-1-35.

314 files, last one added on Oct 15, 2020
Album viewed 92 times

James L Keller


Jim served with the Hq Svc Battery from 1969 to 1970. He was there as the 2/9th redlegs were dispersed to other units and The Mighty Ninth redeployed home to Hawaii.

17 files, last one added on Feb 11, 2015
Album viewed 56 times

Larry Keller


Larry Keller was in "C" Battery from 1965 - 1966, serving as one of the original redlegs of the 2/9th FA sent to Vietnam.

17 files, last one added on May 29, 2017
Album viewed 52 times

Bill Kull


Bill Kull, Terry Stuber, and J. William Ward all served in "B" Battery during the 1967-68 time frame.

7 files, last one added on Nov 02, 2013
Album viewed 53 times

91 albums on 16 page(s) 9