The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB Bronco
Probably the best all-inclusive aerial shot.  Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill.  The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ.  The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them.  The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice.  Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.

3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB Bronco

Probably the best all-inclusive aerial shot. Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill. The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ. The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them. The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice. Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.

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