The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

June, 1964 - Men of the 2/9th hear Vietnam Deployment Rumors
1st Row: Sp4 Reece, Davis, Lake, Moore, Baum, Matronne, Richard Bates
2nd Row: Doakes, Balaoing, Goran, Sheehan, Mauromatis, Ernesto Rodriguez, Mead, Ed Tucker, Guleck
3rd Row: Baker, Fellman, Jerry George, Books, Bey, Carey, Nolan, Hornrein, Brown
4th Row: King, Hartley, Williams, Bullock, Atkinson, Dixon, Kieper, D'Amico, Gary Leach
5th Row: Connelly, Daniel McDonald, Jerry Chastian, Maynard Oulette, Marvin Cazzel, Wayne Engum, Robert Dykes, Somerville, Nelson

June, 1964 - Men of the 2/9th hear Vietnam Deployment Rumors

1st Row: Sp4 Reece, Davis, Lake, Moore, Baum, Matronne, Richard Bates
2nd Row: Doakes, Balaoing, Goran, Sheehan, Mauromatis, Ernesto Rodriguez, Mead, Ed Tucker, Guleck
3rd Row: Baker, Fellman, Jerry George, Books, Bey, Carey, Nolan, Hornrein, Brown
4th Row: King, Hartley, Williams, Bullock, Atkinson, Dixon, Kieper, D'Amico, Gary Leach
5th Row: Connelly, Daniel McDonald, Jerry Chastian, Maynard Oulette, Marvin Cazzel, Wayne Engum, Robert Dykes, Somerville, Nelson

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