The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Welcome to Camp Alpha
November, 1966. The Beginning.  This was the Reception Station that greeted the incoming unit "replacements" as they awaited orders assigning them to fill unit vacancies.  The "Speedy Four" in charge took great pleasure in barking orders to NCOs and Officers alike knowing full well they could not do a thing about it.  Every order we had was dumped into a trash barrel.  You would wait for further instructions.

I was given a handful of dusty, dirty letters that had piled up.  One was my promotion to 1st Lt.

Welcome to Camp Alpha

November, 1966. The Beginning. This was the Reception Station that greeted the incoming unit "replacements" as they awaited orders assigning them to fill unit vacancies. The "Speedy Four" in charge took great pleasure in barking orders to NCOs and Officers alike knowing full well they could not do a thing about it. Every order we had was dumped into a trash barrel. You would wait for further instructions.

I was given a handful of dusty, dirty letters that had piled up. One was my promotion to 1st Lt.

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