The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

FOUND - 50 Years Later!
YESSS!  Donut Dolly Jennifer (Jenny) Young located The Mighty Ninth website last year, but was unable to schedule a trip to the 35th Reunion.  This year, she and friend Jack Schell attended to a warm welcome from all the veterans present.  They applauded the unselfish, dedicated service of these young women who braved the dangers of being on a firebase in the front of the combat zone to visit with us.  Jenny gave a rousing "Welcome Home" speech at the Saturday evening banquet.

FOUND - 50 Years Later!

YESSS! Donut Dolly Jennifer (Jenny) Young located The Mighty Ninth website last year, but was unable to schedule a trip to the 35th Reunion. This year, she and friend Jack Schell attended to a warm welcome from all the veterans present. They applauded the unselfish, dedicated service of these young women who braved the dangers of being on a firebase in the front of the combat zone to visit with us. Jenny gave a rousing "Welcome Home" speech at the Saturday evening banquet.

StG-23.JPG Robert_L__Brown.jpg JFO-74.JPG Beddingfield_-_Arnold.JPG Connolly_-_Martha.JPG