The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Fantastic Shot of LZ Montezuma
This is a fantastic shot of LZ Montezuma, later re-named "LZ Bronco" by 3rd Bde Commander Col James Shanahan, thus removing any trace of the prior Marine Corps occupation.  This photo was taken from the landmark mountain overlooking LZ Montezuma at Duc Pho.  Surveyor Danny Yates got a butt-chewing for climbing this mountain; he was told that both the Marine Corps and the VC set numerous mines and booby traps because of its military value.  Turn around and you would see the South China Sea.

Fantastic Shot of LZ Montezuma

This is a fantastic shot of LZ Montezuma, later re-named "LZ Bronco" by 3rd Bde Commander Col James Shanahan, thus removing any trace of the prior Marine Corps occupation. This photo was taken from the landmark mountain overlooking LZ Montezuma at Duc Pho. Surveyor Danny Yates got a butt-chewing for climbing this mountain; he was told that both the Marine Corps and the VC set numerous mines and booby traps because of its military value. Turn around and you would see the South China Sea.

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