The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

The 2014 Ku Award
After the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th dinner, grunt Jerry Walling and his wife presented the coveted (or perhaps un-coveted) "Ku Award".  The first award was presented to redleg Bert Landau a couple of years ago.  What is the "Ku Award"?  Don't ask.

The 2014 Ku Award

After the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th dinner, grunt Jerry Walling and his wife presented the coveted (or perhaps un-coveted) "Ku Award". The first award was presented to redleg Bert Landau a couple of years ago. What is the "Ku Award"? Don't ask.

Chic-19.JPG Chic-25.JPG 2014_Ku_Award.JPG JoeH_-_4.JPG Tex_3-2a.jpg