The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Ft Sherman - Jungle Training
But first...we're sending you to Ft Sherman for jungle training.  This course was worse than any experience I had in Vietnam, minus being shot at, of course.  All the swinging on ropes and eating snake meat, killing a chicken and eating it, and the 24 hour E&E (Escape & Evasion) exercise was really survival training if you got separated.  Didn't apply much otherwise.  We were supposed to have a plane waiting upon graduation directly to Vietnam, but some Infantry battalion had a higher priority.  That was OK by me; got another 30 days leave to ponder my fate.

Ft Sherman - Jungle Training

But first...we're sending you to Ft Sherman for jungle training. This course was worse than any experience I had in Vietnam, minus being shot at, of course. All the swinging on ropes and eating snake meat, killing a chicken and eating it, and the 24 hour E&E (Escape & Evasion) exercise was really survival training if you got separated. Didn't apply much otherwise. We were supposed to have a plane waiting upon graduation directly to Vietnam, but some Infantry battalion had a higher priority. That was OK by me; got another 30 days leave to ponder my fate.

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