The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

LZ Lois - FDC Area
L to R: Far left, can't make him out; next is Lt Harry Baumgartner (Lt Richard L. Baumgartner).  For some reason, he was nicknamed "Black Bart" - probably because of the attempted moustache.  Then Sp4 Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, and in the background is PFC William ("Nan The Man"), aka "PigPen" Nankervis (deceased).  He is probably dreaming about the World and returning to be the left bank cylinder man at Ford's East Lansing plant.

LZ Lois - FDC Area

L to R: Far left, can't make him out; next is Lt Harry Baumgartner (Lt Richard L. Baumgartner). For some reason, he was nicknamed "Black Bart" - probably because of the attempted moustache. Then Sp4 Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, and in the background is PFC William ("Nan The Man"), aka "PigPen" Nankervis (deceased). He is probably dreaming about the World and returning to be the left bank cylinder man at Ford's East Lansing plant.

LZ_Tuffy_-_New_Home.JPG LZ_Tuffy_-_Million_Dollar_view.JPG LZ_Lois_-_Inside_FB.JPG Pups_Butch_and_Cruit.JPG An_Khe_AO.JPG