The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

FO Party
Fast Forward to 2014:  We now know it is PFC Mike Pskowski in the middle, serving as the RTO with Lt Joe Hannigan, FO and Sgt Rick Ericksen, Recon Sgt.  Unfortunately, Mike died in a car accident in 1973.

FO Party

Fast Forward to 2014: We now know it is PFC Mike Pskowski in the middle, serving as the RTO with Lt Joe Hannigan, FO and Sgt Rick Ericksen, Recon Sgt. Unfortunately, Mike died in a car accident in 1973.

JD-1.JPG JD-7.JPG FO_Party.JPG Clint_Curry,_Hooking_Up.JPG VaB-1.JPG