The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Luxury accomodations
The FOs have posted a sign next to their "bed & breakfast" with luxurious air mattresses.  The sign reads: ARTY FO SECTION, then "FO PARTY, LT DELONEY, FO; CPL MILLARD, RECON SGT, PFC WEST, RTO.  Below that, it lists the four-deuce section with "S/SGT GRAY, FO; PFC PASSMORE, RTO".  Hours are 24/7.

Luxury accomodations

The FOs have posted a sign next to their "bed & breakfast" with luxurious air mattresses. The sign reads: ARTY FO SECTION, then "FO PARTY, LT DELONEY, FO; CPL MILLARD, RECON SGT, PFC WEST, RTO. Below that, it lists the four-deuce section with "S/SGT GRAY, FO; PFC PASSMORE, RTO". Hours are 24/7.

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