The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Me & My Guitar - Duc Pho, Montezuma
Seeing Sgt Butler's photo with his guitar struck memories.  Strange thing the photo triggered was that the orange plastic finger twists on the end of the guitar tuners always twisted loose after just a few tunings. Whoever/whatever made those tuner heads must have been in Viet Nam because they were the worst I had EVER seen... and I had seen a LOT of guitars by the time I got there! Anyway, I bought a guitar in Saigon with orange plastic finger twists and cutaway, exactly like the one in the photo. I gave it to one of the guys in the battery and on my next Saigon trip I bought (for just about $2 or $3 more–in "P" of course) another guitar with Japanese tuners on it (they had white plastic tips that never broke). I also left this guitar at the unit when I returned back to "the world." I just wonder if the guitar in the photos was the one I had!

Me & My Guitar - Duc Pho, Montezuma

Seeing Sgt Butler's photo with his guitar struck memories. Strange thing the photo triggered was that the orange plastic finger twists on the end of the guitar tuners always twisted loose after just a few tunings. Whoever/whatever made those tuner heads must have been in Viet Nam because they were the worst I had EVER seen... and I had seen a LOT of guitars by the time I got there! Anyway, I bought a guitar in Saigon with orange plastic finger twists and cutaway, exactly like the one in the photo. I gave it to one of the guys in the battery and on my next Saigon trip I bought (for just about $2 or $3 more–in "P" of course) another guitar with Japanese tuners on it (they had white plastic tips that never broke). I also left this guitar at the unit when I returned back to "the world." I just wonder if the guitar in the photos was the one I had!

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