The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Partially destroyed ammo
Rick explains that some ammo arrived without fuses.  They were told to destroy it with C4 and det cord.  The ammo was stacked pyramid style with C4 stuffed in the fuze hole and wrapped in det cord.  The explosion resulted in a very large piece seen in this photo that landed in the middle of the gun section.  It was fortunate that no one was hurt or killed.  Detonating ammo is a job for the pros, not wannabes.

Partially destroyed ammo

Rick explains that some ammo arrived without fuses. They were told to destroy it with C4 and det cord. The ammo was stacked pyramid style with C4 stuffed in the fuze hole and wrapped in det cord. The explosion resulted in a very large piece seen in this photo that landed in the middle of the gun section. It was fortunate that no one was hurt or killed. Detonating ammo is a job for the pros, not wannabes.

TS-59.JPG TS-65.JPG Rick_E_5-1.JPG JCook34.JPG JCook-131.JPG