The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Whatta Takeoff!
Duc Pho Runway, LZ Montezuma, August, 1967.  Although I thought that the runway had metal planking by this time, I could be wrong.  Note the dirt runway with tire tracks. Certainly not a pilot's dream.  Recall taking this shot from the back door of a C-123...a noisy, scary plane, but exciting to fly in especially when they later added JATO-assist pods on the wings.

Whatta Takeoff!

Duc Pho Runway, LZ Montezuma, August, 1967. Although I thought that the runway had metal planking by this time, I could be wrong. Note the dirt runway with tire tracks. Certainly not a pilot's dream. Recall taking this shot from the back door of a C-123...a noisy, scary plane, but exciting to fly in especially when they later added JATO-assist pods on the wings.

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