The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Gift from Jackie Tyler
After the presentation of the 2/9th Challenge Coins to the 35th Assn Presidents, "E" Recon member Jackie Tyler presented me with a beautiful "Recon" dogtag in gold finish.  I shall treasure it always and it is displayed on my computer desk.  Thank you, Jackie, for this wonderful memento!

Gift from Jackie Tyler

After the presentation of the 2/9th Challenge Coins to the 35th Assn Presidents, "E" Recon member Jackie Tyler presented me with a beautiful "Recon" dogtag in gold finish. I shall treasure it always and it is displayed on my computer desk. Thank you, Jackie, for this wonderful memento!

2-9th_Challenge_Coin.jpg 2014_Program_35th_Reunion.JPG 35th_-_Gift_from_Recon.JPG Banquet_Presentation.JPG Chic-7.JPG