The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Camera cutups
We had a great team of guys & we had fun too on occasion.  Roman, was a real cut-up and was always doing something funny. Here he is making rabbit ears on Hunter (commo wire man from East St. Louis) and a sergeant– whose name I forget because he was from Baltimore and we always called him "B-More"! Tthis was taken near Duc Pho as we were preparing to go to the dreaded Bong Son area. Sgt. "B-More"  (who insisted "don't call me sergeant!") was injured in a VC attack on a bunker and was shipped out afterward if I remember right.  Roman went to another battery.

Camera cutups

We had a great team of guys & we had fun too on occasion. Roman, was a real cut-up and was always doing something funny. Here he is making rabbit ears on Hunter (commo wire man from East St. Louis) and a sergeant– whose name I forget because he was from Baltimore and we always called him "B-More"! Tthis was taken near Duc Pho as we were preparing to go to the dreaded Bong Son area. Sgt. "B-More" (who insisted "don't call me sergeant!") was injured in a VC attack on a bunker and was shipped out afterward if I remember right. Roman went to another battery.

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