The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

The outprocess "process"
The Big Day arrives; I'm finally at Cam Ranh Bay. Hard to believe it was 8,476 miles to Los Angeles. Don't remember too much from my days here. I do remember them checking baggage.  They put a rod down a Baby powder container checking to see if it would go all the way down. Told us that if we had pictures with bodies (war deceased) they would be taken away. So I just threw mine away, had a bunch of the attack Mother's Day at the Oasis 1969. I can still remember on shot of a VC burned in the cockroach position. Remember how quiet the airplane was when we took off and once we were miles over the water, everyone breaking out cheering. I do remember some of my time at FT Lewis and waiting at the airport for flight home.

The outprocess "process"

The Big Day arrives; I'm finally at Cam Ranh Bay. Hard to believe it was 8,476 miles to Los Angeles. Don't remember too much from my days here. I do remember them checking baggage. They put a rod down a Baby powder container checking to see if it would go all the way down. Told us that if we had pictures with bodies (war deceased) they would be taken away. So I just threw mine away, had a bunch of the attack Mother's Day at the Oasis 1969. I can still remember on shot of a VC burned in the cockroach position. Remember how quiet the airplane was when we took off and once we were miles over the water, everyone breaking out cheering. I do remember some of my time at FT Lewis and waiting at the airport for flight home.

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