The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

LZ Montezuma - High Aerial View
Excellent aerial shot of LZ Montezuma.  South China Sea at top, 3rd Bde landing strip in center, and famous hill serving as backdrop.  The US Marines first occupied this area before turning it over to the 3rd Bde in the Spring of 1967.  It served as the HQ for the 2/9th for many months.  Photo courtesy of CPT Don Parrish, (1/35 Inf Commo Officer).

LZ Montezuma - High Aerial View

Excellent aerial shot of LZ Montezuma. South China Sea at top, 3rd Bde landing strip in center, and famous hill serving as backdrop. The US Marines first occupied this area before turning it over to the 3rd Bde in the Spring of 1967. It served as the HQ for the 2/9th for many months. Photo courtesy of CPT Don Parrish, (1/35 Inf Commo Officer).

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