After a second tour with the 1st Cav until they stood down and then with USARV DCSOPS, I went off to Grad School at University of Michigan for an MA in History in order to teach at West Point. Stopped by Ft Leavenworth for a year at CGSC and then taught Military History 1974 -1977. Back to Germany for four years at V Corps, in 8th Division, 8th DIVARTY, Aide-de-Camp to CG (Sidney Berry who had been Superintendent at West Point when I was teaching there), IG 3rd SUPCOM and then back to Leavenworth for a series of odd jobs finally becoming part of the initial faculty of the School of Advanced Military Studies. Finished up there in 1985 and moved to the Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute where I stayed until uniformed retirement in 1992 (Earned my PhD in History from Temple U that year) and then stayed on 17 more years as a Title 10 Research Professor. Still living in Carlisle, PA, traveling to see friends and family, doing some work for the War College and thinking -- seriously this time -- about retirement. Son works in Culver City (LA) CA. Daughter here in Carlisle working on some sort of Medical Equipment sales (never have figured it out). Oldest granddaughter is 6 months from certificate in Security Studies, next a HS Freshman - two step-grandsons - Sophomore and Junior respectively. Wife Joy heads up Praise and Worship at War College Chapel where I co-teach Sunday School and do whatever needs doing. Both sing in choir. Lynn Morris and I have seen each other now and then and he appeared at my 2009 retirement. Saw Roger Bernardi and then LTC Vince Falter in March or April, but had to cancel rematch this October - 110 year-old houses occasionally need a lot of attention.