"The Kings of Battle"
2nd Bn, 9th Artillery
in direct support to units of:
25th Infantry Division, 3rd Brigade (Tropic Lightning) |
4th Infantry Division, 3rd Brigade (Ivy)
Aug, 1967 to Apr, 1970) |
1st Bn, 35th Infantry Regiment (Cacti Green)
2nd Bn, 35th Infantry Regiment (Cacti Blue)
1st Bn, 14th Infantry Regiment (Golden Dragons)
A salute to the men who served as Forward Observers
with the
2/9th Artillery
as part of their tour of duty in the Republic of Vietnam, 1966 - 1970.
WHAT IS AN FO? An artillery observer is a soldier responsible for directing artillery fire and close air support (ground attack by aircraft) onto enemy positions. Because artillery is an indirect-fire weapon system, the guns are rarely in line-of-sight of their target, often located tens of miles away. The observer serves as the eyes of the artillery battery, calling in target locations and adjustments to the Fire Direction Center (FDC) via radio or (less commonly) landline. The FDC then translates the observer's orders into firing commands (deflection and quadrant elevation) for the battery's cannons. Artillery observers are often deployed with combat arms maneuver units, typically infantry companies or armored squadrons. NOTE! "Wikipedia" omission: ONLY the 105mm howitzer battalions, such as the 2/9th Arty, were tasked to provide Forward Observers. Consequently, just a "privileged few" served with the "grunts" as a full-time assignment. Many claim to be "Forward Observers" who merely went on a mission or two, but were actually assigned to base units, not exposed to combat in the field on a daily basis.
Artillery observers are considered high-priority targets by enemy forces, as they control a great amount of firepower, are within visual range of the enemy, and are often located deep within enemy territory. The artillery observer must therefore be skilled not only in fire direction, but also in stealth and, when necessary, direct combat.
Observers, due to their intelligence, adaptability, and broad range of combat
skills are often superb candidates for many special operations units and
training. FOs are also considered to be "crazy" and
"eccentric" by their peers, due to their dangerous mission profiles
and their usually innate strong sense of independence, dislike for rigid
authority and protocol, and general proclivity towards sarcasm, grim humor, and
general disregard for rules such as those concerning uniforms, saluting, etc.,
which many FOs do not believe apply to them in the field. This famous
streak of rebelliousness and their high esprit de corps make them a coveted,
versatile and dangerous asset to many commanders' arsenals. {Apocryphal
notes here, but the FOs won't dispute it}
......{Courtesy of Wikipedia, with omission corrected and amended}
clarify our terms...it's very important. A "real" FO is one who
is assigned to be the Infantry Company commander's school-trained artillery
expert...not some yahoo who overheard conversations on calling for indirect
fire. That FO walks the same ground as his company grunts do, humping the
jungle, and spend 24 hours out there, as long as ordered. The FO in the
field can expect to participate in...and perhaps become a KIA from...a firefight, a
mortar attack, a booby-trap or friendly fire...at any time. He'd better be
right and better know what he is doing. It's not a
"thrill-seeking" job, it is a heavy
......{FO Dennis Dauphin, Webmaster, "The Mighty
OCS = 50 | ROTC = 12 | WEST POINT = 5 | UNK =4 |
Lt Atha, Gilbert 68 - 69 1/14th OCS (28B-67) |
Lt Bagwell, Robert E. (Bob) Mar 67 - Mar 68 A/2/35 OCS (5-66) |
Lt Baumgardner, Richard L 1/14th OCS (25-66) |
Lt Raymond A. Beebe, Jr. 68 - 69 D/1/14 OCS (23-67) |
Lt Bateman B/1/14 68-69 Commission UNK |
Lt Blankin, Don
L. (WIA) Aug 68 - Aug 69 A/2/35; C/2/35 (deceased) OCS (33B-67) |
Lt Brother, Jim L. (WIA) B/2/35 1/66 - "Blue Light" ROTC |
Lt Crochet, Wayne T. Jul 67 - Jul 68 B/2/35 (deceased Dec 2021) OCS (19-66) |
Lt Daly, Jim M. 1964 USMA |
Lt Dauphin, Dennis L. Lanyard 51 Nov 66 - Mar 67 A/2/35 ROTC |
Lt Davis, Barrie 66 - 67 B/2/35 ROTC |
DeLoney, James King 61 B/1/14 66 - 67 OCS (9-65) |
Lt Diehl, William 65 - 66 B/1/14 OCS (5-65) |
Lt Ellegood, Richard Aug 66 - May 67 (WIA) UNK |
Emory, Bob (KIA, 21 Mar 67) ROTC |
Epps, Carlton G. Cowboy 30 C/1/35 June - Sep 68 OCS (67) |
Lt Farmer, Bill (KIA, 29May67) OCS (65) |
Lt Fulkerson, Roger A. (KIA, 25 Sept 68) C/2/35 USMA |
Lt Galardi, James E. 1969 - 1970 B/2/9 OCS (6-69) |
Lt Garzero, Mike 9/69 - 3/70 WIA C/2/9 OCS (15-69) |
Lt Green, James "Jim" Oct 67 - Oct 68 B/1/35 OCS |
Hannigan, Joe 1969 - 1970 B/1/14 OCS (19-69) |
Lt Hartley, John Jr. 1967 - 1968 B/2/35 OCS (1-67) |
Lt Herbick, Frank D. 1966 - 1967 (deceased 11/21) C/1/14 & C/2/35 Bn S-1 OCS (8-66) |
Lt Hunnicutt, William 1969-1970 B/2/35 OCS (35A-67) |
Hunter, James (Jimmy) 1969 B/1/14th (Deceased) OCS (27A-67) |
Lt Hulin,
Bruce D. 1965 - 1966 USMA |
Huffstutler, Steven
Riley (KIA, 18 May 69) OCS (33B-67) |
Lt James, Jim T. 1967 - 1968 {WIA, 4/68} A/1/35 ROTC (Deceased 27Jul20) |
Lt Jones, Ken (Mad Dog) OCS |
Lt Kammerer, Thomas A. 1966 - 1967 (Deceased) ROTC |
Lt Kasperbauer, Patrick
J Bn AO Nov 66 - Nov 67 (Deceased) OCS (12-65) |
Lt Keith, Don M. |
Lt Kettelman,
Ronald D. 1965 - 1966 OCS (44A-67) |
Lt Knutson, Robert I. 1965 - 1966 OCS (10-65) |
Lt Kurtgis, Mike
P. 1968 - 1969 Victor 61 OCS (33A-67) |
Lt Laffitte, Monte C-1-35 Nov 67 - Oct 68 ROTC |
Lt Landau, Bert G. C/1/35 1966 - 1967 ROTC |
Lt McGinnis, Pat 1966 - 1967 Commission UNK |
Lt McHugh, James E. 1968 - 1969 (Deceased) OCS (39-67) |
Lt McNew, Edward H. Jr 1968 - 1969 (OCS 25B-67) |
Lt Ed Meierotto KIA 10Mar69 B/1/35 OCS (17-67) |
Lt Miles, Darrell J. A/2/35 B/2/9 1969 - 1970 OCS (18-69) |
Lt Munden, Dennis Sandy Beach 45 Sep66 - Sep67 A/1/14 OCS (3-66) |
Lt Robert H. Ness Oct67 - Aug68 A/1/14 OCS (126-66) |
Lt Murphy, John H. OCS (2-66) |
Lt O'Keefe, Michael Aug67 - Dec67 C/2/9; D/2/35 ROTC |
Lt Oliver, Joseph Frederick B/2/9; A/1/14 Feb68 - July68 OCS (18-67) |
Lt Owen, Russell T. D/2/35 1968 - 1969 OCS (34A-67) |
Lt Patalano, Robert M. 1967 - 1968 A/2/9 ROTC |
Lt Pearce, Paul W. 1968 - 1969 OCS (41-67) |
Lt Ross, Robert L. (KIA 22Aug68) B/2/9 OCS (25B-67) |
Lt Rucker, Hermie D. "Rucksack" OCS (36B-67) |
Lt Schmidt, Gene
W. 1967 - 1968 OCS (2-67) |
Lt Shinseki, Eric K. 1965 - 1966 1/14th USMA |
Lt Spencer, Malcolm L. 1967 - 1968 (dec 5Apr19) OCS (3-66) |
Lt Springer, Dean (Gary) Grey Ghost 52 Aug 66 - Aug 67 OCS (4-65) |
Lt Rob Stumpf A/2/35 Commission UNK |
Lt Stout, Carl F. OCS (3-66) |
Stout, Jr. Charles
R. 68 - 69 OCS (33B-67) |
W. Mike Strickland 1967 - 68 D/2/35 USMA 1966 |
Lt Stutt, Rainer C/2/35 66 - 67 OCS (10-65) |
Lt Thomas, Ed 66 - 67 2/35th & 1/14th OCS (3-66) |
Lt Toperzer, Jeffry L. 1968 A/2/9 OCS (22B-67) |
Lt Turner,
Doug A. 1965 - 1966 A/2/35 OCS (12-65) |
Lt Wallin, William W. (Wally) 1968 - 1969 OCS (46A-67) |
Lt Whaley, Dave A/1/14; B/1/14 1966-1967 OCS (10-65) |
Lt Williams, John J. OCS (11-66) |
Lt Wilson, Don M. (KIA 4 Aug 67) OCS (19-66) |
Lt Zschoche, Robert C. Jan - Dec 66 ROTC |
![]() |
Recognition of the men who supported the FO
and were an integral part of "The FO Party"
& RTOs?
They were Enlisted redlegs who joined the Forward
Observer in his "FO party". In many cases, it may not have been
voluntary, but due to "other" circumstances. These men were
critical to the success of the 2/9th providing immediate 105mm support when
engaging the enemy on the search & destroy missions. Meanwhile, they
came under the same combat scenarios as the Infantry line companies. The
Recon Sgt provided support to the FO on the order of map reading, terrain,
combat eyesight, and protective fires when needed. The RTO was the vital
communications link to the Firing Batteries and the Fire Direction Center
(FDC). Without radio communications, the FO Party was ineffective in
bringing in the artillery. The RTO was also an ongoing sniper target and had to
engage in firefights as the situation arose. The FO party was a close
team, an integral part of the Infantry, but also separate. All were
capable of "soldiering like grunts", but the FO party had access and
could deliver a deathly hell on the enemy.
Guye R Benson, Recon Sgt
(KIA) Lt Bob Emory (KIA) C/2/35 |
R. Bishop, RTO Lt Mike Kurtgis B/2/35 |
( ?) Briggs Lt Fred Oliver Lt Robert Ness |
Raymond Churchill, Recon
Sgt (KIA) Lt Rick Shinseki (WIA) |
Ray Delano, Recon Sgt A/1/14 1966-67 (Deceased) Lt Dennis Munden |
Les Cotton, Recon
Lt Rick Shinseki (WIA) |
Rick Ericksen, RTO B/1/14 1969 Lt Joe Hanigan |
David Edward Fitzgerald,
RTO (KIA) B/2/35 1969 |
John Ford, RTO C/1/35 May, 1967 |
Danny Fort, RTO A/1/14 Sep67 - Oct67 |
Myron "Mike"
Morey, Recon Sgt (deceased) 1968 - 1969 |
Wayne "Scotty"
Gallagher, RTO Lt Wayne Crochet |
Stephen Groninger, Recon
Sgt B/1/14 Lt Gary Dean Springer |
Sgt Walter G.
Hyatt| (dec) Lt John Williams |
Lance Kane, RTO Lt Wayne Crochet |
Lance Kane, Recon Sgt Lt Mike Kurtgis |
Danny Jeter, RTO (KIA) Lt Wayne Crochet |
Ernie Kingcade, Recon Sgt A/1/14 Lt Rick Shinseki Jan - May 66 |
PFC Lloyd Knight, RTO B/1/14 Jan69 - July69 Lt Jim Hunter |
William R Latimer, RTO (KIA) C/1/35 1967 Lt Carl Stout |
PFC Max T. Leach, RTO ? 1968 - 1969 ? |
Greg Malnar, RTO C/1/35 Nov67 - Jan68 Lt Monty Laffitte Lt Bert Landau |
Sgt Mann, Recon Sgt Lt Wayne Crochet |
Cpl Robert McGlynn, RTO Lt Dennis Munden |
Charles McClurg, RTO (KIA) |
Lee Okerstrom,
RTO Lt Bert Landau Lt Monty Lafitte |
Sp4 Lloyd Owens, RTO Lt John J. Williams |
Pat O'Meara, Recon Sgt B/1/14 1969 Lt Joe Hannigan |
Sgt Parks, Recon Sgt Lt Ed Thomas |
Plunkett, RTO 1969 Lt Mike Kurtgis |
Stephen Peck, RTO B/1/35 1967 (KIA) Lt Don Keith |
Michael Pskowski, RTO B/1/14 1969 Lt Joe Hannigan |
Sgt Aubrey Dale Ramsey, Recon Sgt
(dec) 1966 - 1967 Lt Ed Thomas Lt John J. Williams |
Michael K Sawyer (KIA) 1969 |
Sgt Redgrave, Recon Sgt A/1/35 Aug67 - Nov67 Lt Bob Patalano |
Mike Rhodes, RTO Lt Dennis Munden |
PFC "Toothless"
Rough, RTO B/1/14 Lt Gary Dean Springer |
Rick Satterfield, Recon
Sgt A/2/35 Lt Darrell Miles 1969 - 1970 |
Walt Shields, RTO A/2/35, 1969 - 1970 Lt Darrell J. Miles |
Sgt Joe
Sleevi, Recon Sgt B/1/14 Feb69 - Nov69 Lt Gilbert Atha |
Michael Staygon Lt Wayne Crochet |
Sgt Swift, Recon Sgt B/2/35 Lt Gary Dean Springer |
Rodney Tarrence, Recon
Sgt C/1/35, May 1967 |
John Waldman, RTO Lt Don Keith |
Raymond Wesley Lt Don Blankin |
Doug West, Recon
Sgt A/2/35 1969 - 1970 |
PFC Ernie Whitaker, RTO 1969 |
Gary Wooton, Recon Sgt C/1/14 (KIA) Lt Frank Herbick |
PFC Worley, RTO Lt Ed Thomas |
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