Guest Book
(Revised 7 Mar 08)

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Bert Landau

It's been a long time, filled with memories both good and bad. Your diligent and dedicated work enabled us to capture and preserve the good and the bad memories so that others might know who we were and what we endured. Through it all, we were and still are brothers.
Always remember: ... "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother....."


Carlton Epps

Thank you for your faithful service. It has been appreciated.
Cowboy 30

Thank you,

Carlton G. Epps, Sr.
(410) 746-1391 - cell


Joe Hanigan

I would like to extend my personal thanks for your many years of creating and maintaining the Mighty Ninth website. I can only imagine how many hours you have spent keeping the flame lit, when you could have been doing "retired guy" things. We, the 2/9 alumni, are more informed due to your singular efforts and willingness to see that our stories are preserved. I am happy you have found an institution that will preserve the collective efforts of all who have contributed to the website, but you deserve to be recognized as its driving force.

Thank you,
Joe Hannigan


Dean Springer

Dennis. I don't know how to thank you adequately for all you've done over the years to establish and keep such an important website going all this time. It is an excellent historical record of so much that we all experienced and hopefully will be of greater use in the future as we hope future young or old folks can learn from it.
By the way, I'm hoping to come to the reunion next year in Phoenix.
My best to you,


Mike Medley

In Nam we would say "Don't mean nothing" when events too hurtful to face happened, although in fact our hearts and minds would be branded forever by those events. Thanks to Dennis Dauphin, our leader, and Ed Gregory, the tech magician, we have had the opportunity to reunite with our true blood brothers and share our stories, both funny - to us - and those that have been in our hearts and minds for over a half century, that civilians and the guys in the rear with the beer will never understand. As In Nam, we usually have been able to deal with the day, but the nights will always belong to Vietnam. Thanks to your work, folks in the future will be able to see a small unit where tactics, rather than strategy, occurred. Thank you.

31 MAY 22


I was very lucky to have been assigned to the 2nd of 9th Artillery when I arrived in January 1969 as a newly promoted Captain. My first Job was Assistant Battalion S3 working for Maj Jerry P. Orr.

My background; I was a 13E assigned to "B" Battery at Fort Sill when I received orders to attend Artillery OCS. My first assignment as an Officer was to Greece and enroute to Vietnam, I was branch transferred to Air Defense Artillery. Later in my Tour, I commanded HHB the 2nd of 9th Artillery.

If you want more details let me know; I was also on LZ Oasis Mothers day 1969. I wish had the names of everyone.

Bob Baird
Major, USA Ret.

REPLY: Great to hear from you, Bob! It's been a very long time since we have located a new 2/9th veteran; very glad you found The Mighty Ninth website. Your full Email message can be found under the "Tour Of Duty" link wherein you recount the combat action you saw in Kontum Province. You will be interested to know that the "War Stories" link has an abundance of material on the Mother's Day attack at LZ Oasis.

I regret to report that we lost our great friend and supporter, Maj Jerry Orr, in October, 2021.

Dennis Dauphin, Webmaster

11 NOV 21

Good Evening and Happy Veterans Day,

My dad doesn't know this, but I found your website and my father served in your unit, although, it doesn't show it on your web page. My dad was Corporal Lonnie O. Marshall. He served from November 1965 to January 1967 in Pleiku, Vietnam. He operated the 105mm Howitzers. I have pictures too. He's still alive but does not like talking about his time as most Vietnam Veterans don't. He also admits that he wasn't the friendliest of sorts and didn't like taking orders. He was told in Nov 1966 he was going home and then they kept him in a few more months. My dad damn near had a conniption fit and dug a hole and refused to get out until someone told him he'd be court martialed and AWOL. He got out and resumed his duties and left 3 months later. Can you verify? If so, I can provide pictures. I have honored my father for as long as I have been alive and in my 47 years, I have seen him come unglued sort of speak, and I've heard of his embarrassment returning home. I would love to leave a legacy and if my dad served with you guys, and whether he was ornery or not, he did his due diligence. He raised a daughter who will never forget a great man who sacrificed and gave his service to his country. I commend you all and Thank you, from the bottom of America's heart. I leave you with my Dad's pics but, I have more of him on the howitzer. If you'll confirm he was part of your unit, I'll be happy to send more pictures.. By the way, I'm his daughter, and I run a Town in Arizona. He's from Denair, California and resides in California, today.

All my best to you and your unit. In the celebration of armistice day, I salute you all for your sacrifice and as a family member, I got the honor of picking up the pieces that the army left behind.

Best regards,
Cindy Marshall

WEBMASTER REPLIES: In November, our group was canvassed for anyone knowing or meeting Lonnie Marshall. Clearly, if he served with us, he was one of the very early arrivals from the 25th Inf Div in Hawaii. There were no positive responses. But the little bit of info she had was very convincing. She persevered and got a lot of information when her Dad agree to talk to her about Vietnam. Later, we found Cpl Lonnie O. Marshall's name on the 1June66 roster of the 2/9th FA while it was still in Hawaii. Additional correspondence with Cindy has led to getting many details about his service with The Mighty Ninth. Thank you, Cindy, for continuing to pursue your Dad's legacy.

You will now find Cpl Lonnie O. Marshall listed as a Cannoneer at the "Command & Staff" link and tidbits of his service at the "Tour Of Duty" link. As his daughter indicated, he is a non-conformist and a real character.

Dennis Dauphin, Webmaster (new email: Cell: 228-219-1976

2 Dec 21

FO Lt Frank Herbick, 1966-67; deceased 21Nov21
Note of Appreciation

Thank you SO MUCH!! Not just for posting his obituary but for all you do in keeping the memories alive and sharing the many stories of your brothers. Dad would tell me stories and had so much admiration for the family he served with. I can only imagine what you all went through. Though many are gone they are not forgotten because of you. Thank you Sir and God Bless.

Robert Herbick (Son)
Laughlin, NV


LtCol Jerry Orr

{Jerry Orr passed away on October 11, 2021}

Lt Dennis Dauphin, Webmaster

When Jerry first learned that the 35th Inf Regt was holding annual reunions and that the 2/9th FA redlegs were given a carte blanche invitation to attend, he was very excited. When he arrived, I recall him meeting with all his friends, the men he knew from his days in the TOC and his job as the Battalion S-3. He was so proud to renew acquaintances, especially with Lt Mike Kurtgis, an FO and a pilot, that he spent many hours in the Hospitality Suite. The image of a Vietnam Veterans reunion was so powerful that Jerry broached the idea of having a reunion at Ft Sill, OK for our brother redlegs with an invitation to the President of the 35th Assn as recognition for their hospitality. It is with great pride that all three Presidents of the 35th attended each reunion: Jim Beddingfield, Bill Henson, and Joe Henderson (deceased).

True to is word, Jerry "ran all the traps" to get permission from the CG of Ft Sill, to arrange housing, meals, and Gate Permits along with a myriad of other details that had to be accomplished. John "Moon" Mullins and I did the coordination with those interested in attending. The result was not one, not two, but THREE of the MOST memorable times of our lives: to meet with our "brothers in combat" at the home of the US Army Field Artillery.

Lt Dennis Dauphin
Webmaster, The Mighty Ninth


LtCol Jerry Orr

LtCol Jerry Orr - December 27. 1934 - October 11, 2021, my Major in Vietnam.

I will miss you dear friend

A. John "Moon" Mullins


LtCol Jerry Orr

Lt Carlton Epps:

I last spoke with Jerry by phone during the last week of September. When he learned that John Cashin, John "Moon" Mullins, and I were going to visit him during the last weekend of this month, he was thrilled. I could see the smile on his face as he said, "That would do wonders for me!" Unfortunately it is a trip that we won't be making. It is testament to how much we loved and respected Jerry that in spite of the obstacles, we wanted visit our friend and mentor as his, and our days on this temporary fire base near an end.

Few persons have had such a memorable and positive impact on my life as Jerry Orr. A bear of a man with a heart of gold, he was faithful to his God, his family, and his fellow redlegs, especially those of us who served with him in the 2nd of the 9th.

May he rest in peace.

Lt Carlton "Cowboy 30" Epps
2/9 FA May '68 - June '69

Carlton G. Epps, Sr.


LtCol Jerry Orr

Capt David Scott

I was under Jerry's command for six months in 1969. I learned more from him in those six months than my previous five years in the military. His passing is a significant loss to all who knew him.. He was not only a dedicated soldier but a great humanitarian.

I was released from the hospital yesterday after undergoing back surgery and am not allowed to do much of anything until I visit my neurosurgeon in a couple of weeks. I will miss the service but that will not diminish the respect and awe I have for Jerry.

David Scott,

LTC, FA (Ret.)


LtCol Jerry Orr

RIP - Honor to have known you! Deepest Sympathy to your family and friends!

Wayne Rayfield

Yes, sorry to hear of him passing, great man! RiP!

Mike Alexander

He was a great Man and a true Vietnam Brother

John Bowden

24 Apr 21

Webmaster Dennis:
First of all, thanks for your service to our country and for the work to memorialize your and your buddies’ personal experiences in Vietnam. I am sorry for your losses while in the service, including Captain Mike Casp. I found my way to your website, as my dad has recently begun to explore his brother’s own experience in Vietnam. His brother, Captain Stephen Childers, served with the 1/14th Inf Regt
and was killed at the entrance of a cave complex I believe your unit helped level. I saw some of the photos shared by Danny Yates and Robert Wilson when they helped with the caves. I appreciate their captioning the photos with my uncle’s name (though they spelled his first name with a "v" and not a "ph") and found seeing them very sobering. But I really appreciate the views of the 1/14th men in their photos and imagine how proud my uncle must have been to serve alongside them. Keep up the great work and much thanks again for your service and sacrifices.

Brian Childers

WEBMASTER'S NOTE: Thanks for your note, Brian. The spelling of your Uncle's name has been corrected. It is a privilege and a pleasure to hear from our survivor families. Part of our Mission Statement is to offer support to the families of the men who served and share the realities of the Vietnam War instead of the fantasies of the news media.

28 Feb 21

Hi Dennis,
My name is Bev Becker and Bob Becker was my husband. He passed away Dec.13, 2020 from lung cancer with metastasis. He thought a lot of your work with the Mighty Ninth and what you have done with the website. Thank you so much for putting his pictures on the Mighty Ninth. He was so excited to see them there and we are really appreciative of that. I just went there the other day and looked at his pictures and cried. Not only do I miss him dearly but what he had encountered from that horrible war and the after effects from it upon coming home.

My heart goes out to all the veterans and their families and all the suffering they have endured.

Thank you for all you have done and for your service to your country.

Bev Becker

Webmaster Reply: Ms Becker, you wonderful note is the reason I created The Mighty Ninth website. God Bless you!
Dennis Dauphin

14 Mar 20

{Found! FO/XO Lt Mike Strickland} See picture of LT MIKE STRICKLAND in the PHOTO GALLERY, courtesy of John Cashin. Message below from John "Moon" Mullins.

John met Mike at LZ Mary Lou summer ‘68 and told me that Mike was from CLAXTON GA. That set in motion a search, resulting in locating attorney W. Michael Strickland. In his bio in the firm website confirmed Claxton, it listed West Point grad, class of ‘66...commissioned and served four years, Jun 66 to Sep 70, one year of which was in Vietnam.

An inquiry was made at the firm, Mike called back within an hour confirming YES, he was a Lt in 2/9th Artillery AUG 67-68, first as an FO with D 2/35, then XO of B Btry. His last few weeks before DEROS were spent in Bn at Oasis or Enari.
After the military, Mike attended and graduated from University of Georgia School of Law in 1973. His practice, now Strickland and Lindsay Law, is in Winder GA.

Mike very much enjoyed the fact that some of us remember him.
His contact info, with his permission, is:

28 Jan 18

I'm Walt Shields and I would like to be added to the FO party page. I got to B/2/9 in July 69 and the second day with the unit the CO told me that I was assigned to A/2/35th Inf. in a FO party. I stayed with 2/35 until Feb 70.

Thank you

Walt Shields

{Webmaster Note: Walt was added, along with Doug West and Rick Satterfield, all members who served in an FO Party.}

25 Jan 18

Dear Sir:

I visited the "Mighty Ninth" site today and saw what is part of my name ( Lt ? Ness) listed in the "FO" section. I served with the 2/9Arty from Oct 67 to Aug 68, and for the first six months of my tour was an FO attached to the 1/14 Infantry; mostly with Alpha Company. I earned my commission from OCS @ Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

The photo linked to my name was taken when I was with B/2/9 as FDO.

Thanks to someone for remembering me; and thanks to you for maintaining the site.


(Lt) Robert Ness

5 Nov 17

I just returned from a 3-week vacation and, having retrieved a shopping bag full of mail, I was delighted to find your letter of inquiry and introduction to the "Mighty Ninth." Thanks for the "Welcome Home, Brother" greeting. I am indeed the Lt. Robert M Patalano that you are searching for.

I graduated from Providence College in June 1966 and was commissioned that day through the ROTC program. I entered the FAOBC course at Ft Sill in late August, and then served in the 1/6 Arty, 1st Armored Div at Fort Hood, Texas. I went to Panama in June 1967 for the jungle warfare course, and had assignment to the 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div. I arrived in Pleiku the very day that the 2 divisions exchanged 'colors,' in August 1967. I was the FO replacement for Lt Spencer, A Battery, 2/9 Arty, 4th Inf Div. In Dec 67 I moved to FDO of A Battery, and in the spring of 1968 I moved to Battalion headquarters, where I filled several until departing Nam mid-July.

Upon return to the states, I reported to Ft Lewis, Washington, and was released from active duty. I returned to Rhode Island and joined the active reserves, 76th Div, USAR, served as a Captain for several years, and then reverted to Inactive Status. Malcolm Spencer, A Battery, 2/9 Arty, 4th Inf Div. In Dec 67 I moved to FDO of A Battery, and in the spring of 1968 I moved to Battalion headquarters, where I filled several

Dennis, I have looked at some of the website, and will be reading more once I get settled in after traveling. I do have some military records and photos of VietNam, and will see what may be of interest to you. Thanks for all that you have accomplished in this endeavor. Feel free to contact me at any time.

Best Wishes,

Bob Patalano
Home address: 725 Country Club Ln, Ashland, OH 44805
Cell phone: 419-651-3647

9 Jun 17

My pal, Lt. Edward Meierotto, a forward observer, was killed in Vietnam March 10, 1969. He was in Vietnam for a year prior to that. I'm writing a short book about Lt. Meierotto and another pal who served in Vietnam. Eddie's first return address was:

BCO 1/35 Infantry, 4 Div., APO 96355 (SF).

Later, his return address was:

HHB Divarty; 4th Infantry Div; APO 96262.

I'm not a military person, so I can't tell from these what units he belonged to. But I imagine you can. I'd like to contact the alumni of Ed's units to see who remembers him. Can you tell from the above what units Eddie belonged to? How do I contact the alumni? Thanks.

Jerry Crimmins

Webmaster's Note: Jerry and I exchanged many emails and phone calls in order to interpret and add the "military" meanings of things that were foreign to him about Lt Meierotto's service. In return, Jerry filled me in on a Forward Observer with the 2/9th that had not been previously identified by anyone as serving with the 2/9th. Lt Meierotto extended his tour and became an ARVN Advisor. He was KIA in the course of those duties. Jerry's book is entitled: "When We Were 19".

26 Apr 17

FOUND! Another Redleg! Ambrose Smurra, a Cannoneer and an RTO assigned to "A" Battery, 1967 - 1968. He was on hand for TET. He & Lt Bob Patalano (both "paisanos") used to compare recipes in Nam. Ambrose found The Mighty Ninth website and gave me a call. Would like to talk to his fellow redlegs he served with.

You can reach Ambrose at 860-774-4736; he lives in Dennison, CT
Email to:

13 Jun 16

Notice from John "Moon" Mullins:

We have reconnected with Ed Tucker; he now resides in New York.

Edwin Tucker
7 Rowley Avenue
Norwich NY 13815
Cell: 607-373-4097
Ed was deployed to Nam from Schofield Barracks in Operation Blue Light in 1965.

17 May 16

I am the Jim Brother, 05530597, listed on the website. I arrived in Vietnam with the 3/25 Brigade in Pleiku in January, 1966. I was assigned to A/2/9 in Hawaii, and attached to B/2/35 for transport to Vietnam. I served at a forward observer with that company until the end of May, 1966. I was wounded in an accidental napalm strike on LZ Ten Alpha and hospitalized at Kishine Barracks in Japan for a month. I returned to B/2/35 as a forward observer in early July, 1966. I was replaced as a forward observer in the fall and spent the remainder of my tour assigned to A/2/9. I received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart.

James L Brother

28 Mar 16

Are there any plans for a reunion in the future? I was in the 2nd of the 9th, "C" Battery, 1965-66 in Pleiku.

Larry Keller- Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846.

{Webmaster response: the 2/9th unable to sponsor own reunion due to our small numbers; we link up with the 35th Inf Regt reunion annually. However, as things turned out, we were able to hold a reunion in May, 2017 and again in May, 2018}

29 Feb 16

I was a member of the 2/9th Bn from Sep 66 to Aug 67. I began as FO for A Co 2nd Bn 35th Inf . Company commander was Capt Charles Murray. I moved to FDO B Battery under Lt Chris Herrick for several months then moved to Asst S-3 and Aerial Observer. I started the Aerial Observation Course.

I have kept most of my records and orders which I will be happy to provide you with a copy. I also have several dozens photos of the areas of operation as well as several members of the unit.

Would love to hear from you and relay any info requested.

Douglas A. Turner, MAJ, USAR Ret.
(804) 380-9218

24 Jan 16

(Anthony Circelli was contacted by mail)
It was very interesting reading all the information posted on the website you have created. I have tried to locate some of the drivers from my unit I was in but haven't been able to find them. I served from May '69 til April '70 in the HHQ Battery
at Camp Enari, Pleiku, Vietnam. I drove a 2-1/2 ton truck hauling 105 rounds to many LZs, most of the time to LZ Oasis, LZ St. George. Pulled guard duty at Camp Enari, and helped build bunkers (sand bag). Then went on R & R after 7 months in Hawaii. When I got back from R & R, the Battalion had moved to An-Khe. We hauled ammo to other LZ's but I can't remember most of the names. Other drivers from my unit were Charles Garrison from Virginia, Barney Urro from New York, Rolando Delacruz from Texas, Carlo Russo from New York, Michael Motten from Detroit, and Ron MCCarty from Akron, Ohio. I don't remember the rest of the drivers names, but I would like to attend your next reunion (35th Reunion). In Rockford, Illinois, four of us veterans, Anthony Bove, Paul Cassioppi, Nick Parnello, and myself, Anthony Circelli, founded the LZ Peace Memorial, which the dedication was in 2005. This is a replica of the Wall in Washington, and is the second largest memorial in the United States. The names of all Vietnam Veterans of Winnebago County, who have lost their lives. And in 2014, the founders, myself and three others, have also started the "Agent Orange Memorial" at the same site as the LZ Peace Memorial, with names engraved on it who have lost their lives. If you would like to visit the website it is

I would like to thank you brother for sending me the letter and information and hopefully look forward to meeting you at the reunion, and thank you for serving!

Anthony Circelli
cell #1-815-540-1724

25 Dec 15

Stephen Brown, RA68013084. My first visit to this site. Great work, the thorough rosters especially. Recognized lots of names, but the only photo is of Lt John Cashin, who I recall left for the states because of the death of his father. How time flies.

5 Nov 15


I just returned from a 3 week vacation and, having retrieved a shopping bag full of mail, I was delighted to find your letter of inquiry and introduction to the "Mighty Ninth." Thanks for the "Welcome Home, Brother" greeting. I am indeed the Lt. Robert M Patalano that you are searching for.

I graduated from Providence College in June 1966 and was commissioned that day through the ROTC program. I entered the FAOBC course at Ft Sill in late August, and then served in the 1/6 Arty, 1st Armored Div at Fort Hood, Texas. I went to Panama in June 1967 for the jungle warfare course, and had assignment to the 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div. I arrived in Pleiku the very day that the 2 divisions exchanged 'colors,' in August 1967. {Webmaster note: the 3rd Brigades of the 25th Inf Div and the 4th Inf Div were swapped on 1Aug67}. I was the FO replacement for Lt (Malcolm) Spencer, A Battery, 2/9 Arty, 4th Inf Div. In Dec 67, I moved to FDO of A Battery, and in the spring of 1968 I moved to Battalion headquarters, where I filled several positions until departing Nam mid-July.
Upon return to the states, I reported to Ft Lewis, Washington, and was released from active duty. I returned to Rhode Island and joined the active reserves, 76th Div, USAR, served as a Captain for several years, and then reverted to Inactive Status.
Best Wishes,
Bob Patalano
725 Country Club Ln, Ashland, OH 44805
Cell phone: 419-651-3647

11 Oct 15

It's John Hartley here.

I remember (Joe) Henderson (deceased) and (Jim) Connolly very well. And it's great to hear John Pipia is alive. He's on truly one of the finest officers on the planet. He was apolitical, looked out for the men and dutifully executed some horrendous missions during the Tet offensive. He was a " hero" every day

While I've never done a Sill OCS reunion, last year I did attend a OCS class 1-67 get together at a classmates ranch in Utah. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

Thanks for looking me up. Look forward to more contact and will visit the website.

Best Regards
John Hartley
586 665 4003

9 Oct 15

{Tribute to FO Lt John Hartley: with the help of our fellow redlegs, we located Lt John M. Hartley, Jr}

The day was 2Jan68. We were sent well out of artillery support range over my objections because we knew what could happen. It did, big time. We went in with a strength of about 70, I'd guess (approx 2 understrength platoons and company command group). Ultimately, I believe we wound up facing an NBA regiment or, at least a reinforced battalion. They were deeply dug in In trenches and bunkers. The gun ships at one point said "they were coming out of the hills like ants ...."

We'd guess now they were, staging for TET. Fortunately, we did have gun ship support and it was really terrific, saved us. Fought our way in and then out to an Old French Fort as our final defensive position since we no longer expected exfiltration. We expected hand to hand and actually fixed bayonets. We fought all day, several hours , and never had relief or reinforcements. Never understood why this battle was never picked up in the Bn logs, it was the largest contact up to the date. Anyway, it doesn't matter now except to those of us who were there and survived.

John was a terrific officer and a great FO. I've thought of him many times over the years and always wanted to connect with him. He was so good when my 1st Platoon leader was wounded and had to be med evac'd, I asked John to go down to take the 1st Platoon. I remember recommending him for a CIB because I believed he earned it, that day alone. Didn't happen. Should have. I was really sorry to see him go. John was in place when I joined "B" Company in Duc Pho although we moved north fairly quickly, leaving Duc Pho to relieve the Marines and coordinate with the South Vietnamese Army. (Spring of 1967)

John carried a carbine and when he fired, the sound was so different, we all whirled, thinking the NVA were among us. I told him to ditch the carbine, TO&E or not, so someone wouldn't wax him in error.

I'd very much appreciate it if you could send me his contact info, address, tel number, email address.

Thanks again, everyone, for your help and persistence in filling in some blanks. You made my day !


John Pipia

4 Sep 15 TRIBUTE FROM SP/4 Tim Duncan, 1/14th

First LZ Brigit, then, Chu Pa, Bunker Hill, and last St. George. Everywhere we went, A/2/9 went. As "grunts" we had security in knowing our big brother would help us out if we got over our heads. I will never forget "The Mighty Ninth".

Welcome Home, Brother!

Sp4 Tim Duncan
"C" Company, 1/14th
12/68 - 12/69
Belmont, NC

22 May 15 {PFC Alvin P. Hite's daughter, Bonnie Dollar, connected the dots between the 35th and the 2/9th. She contacted 35th President Bill Henson, who in turn contacted me.}

Alvin served from Jan 67 to Jan 68. He was a cook at "A" Battery on LZ OD near Duc Pho and also served as a cannoneer. After Vietnam, Alvin worked in construction and then began a career as a long-haul trucker. He has since retired. Alvin would like to hear from those redlegs he served with. He is working on his "computer literacy"; meanwhile you can email his daughter at "".

Phone contact: 540-868-8949; cell: 443-903-5620

PFC Alvin P. Hite
"A" Battery, 2/9th

5 Mar 15
Steve Cox "found" me recently......1st time I've had any contact with any of the troops since my DEROS date. We had quite a chat and have traded emails/phone calls a couple of times since. Anyway, he asked me to let you know that I'm searching through the archives & cobwebs to try and find any old pictures, etc. to send you for the web site.'ve done a great job putting that site together!! When I find something, I'll be sure to forward to you.

Bob Biza
Sp5 Robert F. Biza
B/2/9 - Class of 1969

23 Feb 15

I am reaching out to your organization for information about my father-in-law, Lt Jeffry Lynn Toperzer. He died Nov 20th, 2013, without ever telling the family much about his time in the Army. We sent off for his military records which indicate he spent time at Ft Hood, graduated from OCS at Ft Sill, and later served in Vietnam in the 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery. His assignments there were FO in A Btry 3-Jun-68, FO in C Btry 24-Jul-68, and XO in C Btry 20-Sep-68. He then went to MACV from 27-Oct-68 to 14-Mar-69.

Our family would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him or could tell us about his experiences in Vietnam Thank you for your time and response,

Scott Berkuta, son-in-law of Lt Jeffry Toperzer

{Webmaster's Note: a photo of Lt Toperzer can be found under "Forward Observers", "Command & Staff" and under "Departed Brothers" (obituary photo) }

18 Feb 15

{Another redleg brother of the 2/9th is found through Facebook by John "Moon" Mullins. Thanks, John!}

"In Nam, I was with 2/9th in one way or another from 67 to 69, from Duc Pho, LZ Baldy, to LZ Oasis, as BN FDC, then BN LNO Section working with the 1/35th Infantry. Spent a total of four years in Vietnam, 4th DivArty, and a year in 101st ABN DivArty. Post Nam was in Recruitment Command in Memphis TN.

Grew up in North Little Rock, AR. Joined the Army in Jan 63. Retired Feb 85. Taught JROTC until 2005. Retired from Rankin County Schools, Richland High School, Richland MS. Since retirement I enjoy hunting, fishing, golf, and my grandkids."

large family group

Ron Kackley in recent photo. Photos of Ron in Vietnam can be found in John "Moon" Mullins gallery (Tab 2, photo 2) and also in Dave Price's gallery (Tab 1, photo 5)

Ronnie C. (Ron) Kackley
Flowood, MS

Webmaster's Note:
Regret to report that Ron passed away on 26March21

17 Feb 15

{Ron Goldmaker, friend of Danny Fort, was initially found through the 2/9th FB page}

I was in Nam Sept 67-Sept 68. "C" Battery was at LZ Liz when I arrived and for several months afterward. I spent first 4 weeks humping a radio for the FO Team with B-2-35. Do not remember names of FO or Recon Sgt. The "B" Company Commander was a was a tall wiry Texan who carried a carbine. I humped thru paddies and jungle and spent a day on the beach at the South China Sea. It was not fun.

I participated in 2 Combat Air Assaults and they were scary too. Then to FDC where I was a newbie. I had been trained in Air Defense Artillery Ops and Intel at Ft Bliss - Juarez (Mexico) was fun.
After 6 months and many locations and sandbags later I became Chief Computer in the FDC.

Ron Goldmaker
Email rongoldmaker@optonline.

17 Feb 15

I shared a couple of beers with (Lt) John Cashin, here in Greensboro yesterday. I found his name on the website months ago and through that we met yesterday and had a great time sharing stories and some good laughs.

As for me... I was an E5 in charge of the "A" Battery Resupply Section. Although we lived with HQ, we were almost always on a convoy. That's why I knew very few people at HQ. I arrived in country on June 1, 1968. Although I was supposed to leave in a year, I extended 50 days to take advantage of the five month early out. I eventually left on July 19, 1969. I was from Somers, NY. Six years ago, when I retired, I moved to Greensboro, NC. When I contacted John, I found out that he also lived in Somers but, unfortunately, we never crossed paths​.

Marty Quinn

Martin J. 'Marty' Quinn


8 Jan 15

{Fellow redleg John "Moon" Mullins has located a 2/9th brother and shares this info}

Donald E. Primer, member of A Battery, May 68-69, originally from the Mohave Desert Region of CA
Donald E. Primer

Donald E. Primer
1332 Elliott Rd
Paradise, CA 95969-4243

After Jr college,Don worked at Lockheed building L-1011's, completed a Sociology/Psychology degree in '76 at Cal State - Chico, later became a drug/alcohol counselor, retired from that profession in 2007. He now dabbles in burl oak art; also, as a guitarist/vocalist/songwriter, he has produced and released CDs which can be found on under Donald Primer. Don would enjoy hearing from "A" Battery friends, admitting that he may not remember them!

3 Nov 14

Dennis, Good morning!

Dutch Hutsell here. I just found your Mighty Ninth website and wanted to say hi.
I was in the Mighty Ninth from Jan ‘67 - Jan ‘68; I was S-4 first half and commanded Battery “C” the second half.

Remembering my fallen Brother Mike Casp! Thanks for doing this!

All the best!


Howard H. (The Dutchman) Hutsell, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel United States Army, Retired
A Yankee Gunbunny and damned proud of it

18 Oct 14

I was with "C" Battery, 2/9th from June, 1969 to April, 1970. My Email is William Surratt, but I go by Tom, which is my middle name.

Young Tom Surratt Tom Surratt

THEN.................................................................and Now (2014)

William "Tom" Surratt

22 Jul 14

Message from "Donut Dolly" Jennifer Young:

A Donut Dolly assigned to the 4th Infantry Division from June '69 to November '69 reporting in here, for a big hello, and Welcome Home. Through the technology "magic" of Facebook and e-mail and the "Donut Dolly" grapevine, I recently connected with (Lt) Don Blankin, formerly an FO & FDO for "B"Battery 2/9th. He had referenced a Donut Dolly named "Jenny" on a Facebook post which was picked up by another Donut Dolly, Penni. Penni contacted me. At first, I didn't think I was the same Jenny due to some possible date discrepancies, but we clarified that, and a photo Don sent me confirmed that I was the Jenny of his recollection -- the photo evidently coming out of a video taken on Oasis or a nearby firebase, I'm supposing, with a soldier's home movie camera. You can't imagine how flattering it is to be remembered after all these years. Don encouraged me to sign into this Guest Book. In case some of you are unfamiliar with Donut Dollies, you're welcome to go to "" and click on a 5-minute video called "AKA Donut Dollies." If you want to see a lovely "coincidence" that occurred in my life in 1984, related to two Marine veterans whom I did not know in Vietnam, go to: "YouTube - Donut Dollies Vietnam Nurses Miracle at the Vietnam Veterans Wall". {The YouTube title has a mistake; I am erroneously labeled as a nurse.} I donated all my Vietnam memorabilia to the Vietnam Archives at Texas Tech University. My donated uniform bears the Ivy patch on its sleeve, and will for posterity. As we all reach our twilight years, please know that every single Donut Dolly I know (there is a grapevine in cyberspace), has never forgotten you beloved guys who served in Vietnam. You were and are "ours" --- we were with you then, and we're with you now. You will be in our hearts always. Thanking you for your service comes from the deepest part of my heart, especially in those very trying times. Welcome Home, my brothers.
....... Steadfast and Loyal,

Donut Dolly in Vietnam Jennifer Young

Jennifer (Jenny) Young

Red Cross, Vietnam, Nov '68 - Nov '69.

27 Dec 13

I was in Vietnam from Nov 1967 to Sept of 1968. While in Vietnam, I was assigned to "B" Battery, 2nd Battalion 9th Artillery. I was one of -or- the guy who tossed the smoke canisters and the night flares during the Tet offensive for the Chinook's delivery of 105mm ammunition. Also, the first or last person on the hill to hook up the guns or set them back down on the new hill or LZ. We were moved a lot because of fear of being overrun I think mostly. (Re: Agent Orange): I do have a group here helping me some. The group is great; they are called "Vets Helping Vets". They have helped me fill out the form. They would like to have some more proof off the internet (information) so I could send with the form for good proof. We have a sheet where it shows some areas where they used Agent Orange, but I can't remember the name of any hills or LZ names. I found the website where the Photo Gallery is, and recognize a lot of those guys around those 105mm howitzers, and Top, the First Sergeant. I have been experiencing very dry mouth for a few years now, and it isn't due to medication, and I have had a sore throat for over 15 years now. They can't provide me with any relief. Thought if I could find some information on the internet to back my claim up like names of hills, LZs in regards to the chart which shows where they had spread that Agent Orange. If there are any other questions you need to ask, please ask. I thought may be some of those guys may remember a few of the names of hills "B" battery was set on. Any information you can provide will be appreciated and helpful. God Bless. My basic was in Ft Polk Louisiana, AIT also there, then to Fort Irwin California, then Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, then to Vietnam. I was drafted into the Army.

Don Larson

4 Dec 13

My name is Mitchell Wisniewski and I served with "C" Battery, 2d 9th FA, from July 69 till April 70 under Capt. David Scott. I was just 18 years old when I arrived and he and members of the FDC took me under their wing and taught me "on the fly" as the war went on. I read Capt. Scott's post about helping our sister unit whose FDC had been wiped out during a mortar attack. I was one of the three men sent to help along with Stan Hyman and Larry Smith. The truth is a member of that unit is from my hometown and I see him regularly, but we seldom talk about that time. When "C" Battery was deactivated, I was sent to "C" battery, 5/16th where I was promoted to Sp5 and made Section Chief of the FDC. The guys taught me well and I was proud to serve with every soldier in the 2/9th. Thank you for the wonderful website and all the information.

Mitchell Wisniewski

24 Nov 13

My name is Joseph M. Stefanini. I served with B Battery from May 1969 until the unit went home. I drove ammo convoys most of my time there. I have the carved 18" finger as I was the longest serving at the time the unit returned home. I was reassigned to the 4 /42nd ( they were nothing but screw ups) and beat the shit out of me the first day there. My days with the 2/9th were great and my comrades were top shelf.

Joseph M. Stefanini
Cell 330-329-4124
4632 Townsend rd.
Richfield, Ohio 44286
Served RVN May 69-July 70

17 Nov 13

My name is Robert (Bob) McLaughlin, and I served with the 2/9th on LZ Oasis in 1969. I was assigned to A Battery, but I never spent a day with A Battery. I was attached to Hqs. and Service to build a mess hall for Col. Forrester, this was an unauthorized mess hall, but the Col. wanted his people on the O, to have hot food and there I was. I arrived the morning after the Mothers Day, attack at about 0800hrs in the morning not knowing anything about the attack. Dennis Couch, and I drove the 16 miles all by ourselves, lucky we made it. We turned a old existing building into a workable mess hall. Trading for stoves, pots, pans, and the other necessities, a lot of help from all the guys and especially Jerry Orr, we were up and running in a short period of time, feeding Red Forrester's people and others three squares a day. I sent Jerry Orr, a group of pictures of the Oasis, and some of the people I was fortunate enough to be with.

Please put me on your E-Mail list and mailing list, Thanks.
Bob McLaughlin,
7912 Haskell Dr. Kansas City, Kansas

11 Nov 13

I started my tour with A 2/9th in December 1968 on LZ Bridget. The BC at the time Capt John S. Williams asked all the guys with a commo MOS if they wanted to go out in the field. I volunteered and I think Sgt (Thomas A.) Winnow did near the same time. I spent a lot of time in the FDC those first few months...It was such an education for me, and Bridget was a slow FireBase. My first FO was Lt (Gilbert) Atha, and to be sure, he taught me a lot.

Sgt Joe Sleevi

16 Oct 13

I was at Louisville, KY VAMC this morning and scanned the Vietnam Veterans Reunion, etc page of July 2013, when I came upon the announcement of 2nd Bn, 9th FA reunion of this year. I had never seen this announcement previously, but would be interested in future plans, and any information about battalion members from the 25th Division Artillery. I served with the battalion from 1964-1966, and left Hawaii on 7 January 1966 for Pleiku, RVN, as a newly promoted SSG Survey Party Chief. SFC (Jerold O.) Navarud was Chief Surveyor, and SSG Ron (Ronald L.) Kehl was other Survey Party Chief. Joe (Joseph B.) Chandler, who lived in Lawton for many years, was a SP5, and Jerry (Jerry D. Shelley) Shelly was in BN FDC Section. He lives in Medicine Park, if I am correct.

I am in Lawton at least once a year to visit a stepson, and see friends. My time at Sill was in C Btry, 3rd, 25th TAB in 1967, and while a student of ANCOC in 1974. There was never a slot for me as E8 or E9.

My home phone number is: 270-352-2126, and mailing address is: 480 New Street, Radcliff, KY 40160-1319.
Thanks for any information, and thanks for the reunion.
Edwin. J. Tucker

11 Oct 13

{NOTE: Fellow redleg John "Moon" Mullins" is making a tremendous effort to locate our brother artillerymen who served with us in Vietnam. While he has had numerous successes, getting "postings" from them has been slim. So, with their permission, John has submitted some snippets of information to include contact information. It is hoped that this "jump-start" will further communications within our group. Time is so fleeting....please let us hear from you!}


Wayne Shea Cell: 619-312-5969
He was a feisty redhead from San Diego. He was a Sgt shift leader in the S-3 TOC a Duc Pho, LZ's Baldy, Bong Son, Mickey Mouse, Mary Lou and Oasis. He DEROSed 31 Dec 68. Wayne is married, has a family, lives in Lakeside CA, retired in 2003, has a dragster he runs out in the flats.

Bruce Topham Cell: 801-687-4612
From Provo UT, worked in the S-3 TOC, DEROSed from Oasis in Nov 1968. Bruce now lives in Benjamin UT, has several children. Several years after Nam Bruce had some medical issues possibly caused by Agent Orange, had a transplant about ten years ago, and is retired from being the business manager of their family-owned residential, educational and medical care facility for children and young adults with multiple disabilities, in Orem UT.
Rick Breitenbach
Rick was from the San Diego area and worked in the S-3 TOC. He DEROSed Oct 1968. All he told us was this: "Doing well and living large in CA. Doing my best to avoid Sgt Moats!"
Cpt Earl W. Finley Home:256-464-0103
Earl was a Battery Commander during his days in Nam, Aug 68-69. Back stateside he worked with Javelin Missiles , became a full Colonel, after the Army worked as a contractor, retired in March 2013, has lived in Madison, AL since 1986.
Lt Carlton G. Epps Cell:410-746-1391

Carlton was an FO with D Company 1/35th, served as FSC to 2/35 when it was acting as a separate battalion Jan-Mar '69, was AO at Enari (replaced by Steve Huffstutler), had a stint with a PRU, after which he was assigned to 2/9th TOC at Oasis, he was working the night shift when Steve and W/O Casey crashed. Epps was recently named Director of Central Services for Anne Arundel County (MD); he was previously COO for the Howard County Economic Development Authority and held senior level positions with Civic Works Inc, Associated Black Charities, Baltimore City Schools, Matrics, Inc., and the Maryland State Retirement Agency. He and his family live in Bel Air MD.

It's been learned that in Philadelphia where they all grew up, his brother Charles Epps attended high school with Joe Henderson. Joe and Carlton were acquainted in Nam.

27 Sep 13

You do not know me. I was engaged to Lt. Steve Huffstutler when he was KIA in Vietnam, 1969.
Michael Huffstutler, Steve's brother, gave me your email address and said you are responsible for the Mighty Ninth web site. I was so pleased to see that someone is keeping the memories alive. Thank you for your effort to keep the memories alive. It means a lot to me and many others who lost loved ones.
I hope you do not mind me contacting you.
Steve will always be my first love and I will always love him.
Thank you,
Melva Tipton Oubre

22 July 13

My name is Doug Duden and my twin brother served with the 25th ID from January of 1965 to January of 1967. The 2/9th supported them every time they left Base Camp or OASIS in 1966! I cannot tell you how many times I have read the phrase Base Camp, or OASIS since June 3rd of this year. He enlisted in July of 1964 right out of high school at age 17. I waited until Thanksgiving of 1964 before I enlisted. He went Infantry, I went with the Engineers ! We met up in Hawaii on 24 May 1965 when the USS Mitchell docked in Pearl Harbor for 24 hours en route to Inchon, South Korea.
He passed away on December 10th of last year from a massive heart attack and I finally got hold of his personal letters and papers from Vietnam in June of this year. Before he died my brother had been in touch with Tom Jones from the 3rd Brigade of the 25th ID. Tom was working on a new book of their unit history for 1966. I think its called The Bastard Brigade. Tom and I have been emailing back and forth since he learned of my brother's death last December. Tom was XO of my brother's Company in '66. Bravo Company 1-14th Inf.
I've been reconstructing my brother's 12 months in Vietnam with letters, information from the Internet, and pages from the unit history. It has taken me a while to figure out the hard way what units were working in conjunction with the 3rd Brigade when they were humping the boonies during 1966. Yesterday I found the 2/9th Artillery Website ! The ever present Artillery unit that was either right there with them, or firing missions for them. According to your website, two FO's were the primary people working with B-1-14 when they went out on any OP's, Lt. William Diehl and Lt. Dave Whaley. I just dug up the information yesterday that HHB 2/9th was located at OASIS for a number of years. That name is all over my brother's letters and even on his color slides as they based out of OASIS multiple times and especially going or coming from OP's SE or SW to the Chu Pong Mountain complex and the Cambodian border. Do you have any kind of a list of the various Firebases used by the 2/9th in supporting the 1-14th, 1-35th or 2/35 Inf. ? Especially the Chu Pong Mountain area Firebases?
I'm especially interested in the 2/9th Artillery's role in the Cambodian border incident on April 1-8, 1966 that my brother participated in, and even more the Battle of LZ Lane on 19 November 1966 where he was wounded. According to my brother's own notes the supporting artillery units backing them up on 19 November 1966 fired 1,800 rounds of 105mm artillery that day. I'd like to hear what you have in the way of information about Artillery supporting fires on April 1-4 1966, and even more so about the battle on 19 November 1966 @ LZ Lane from the Artillery side of the battle.
On 19 November 66 It started about Noon on that day and ended between 1930-2000 hrs pm that night. Who was the FO working with B-1-14 during either of those battles, and was that 1,800 rounds of 105mm fired on 19 Nov 66 an accurate statement ? From what I've read and learned 19 Nov 66 was at least as tough a fight as Col. Hal Moore and the 1/7 Cav. fought barely 10 miles away almost one year to the day earlier on the opposite end of the Chu Pong Mountain Complex an LZ X-Ray.
I've tracked down 1:50,000 topographic maps of the Central Highlands of Vietnam this past week and have started figuring out specific locations of LZ's, Firebases and Battles. Its a lot of territory to cover and a lot of Firebases to locate. My brother never really got the chance to talk a lot about Vietnam like he should have, and now I wish he had been able to tell more of the stories from his year over there so long ago. He earned his CIB the hard way more than once.
The 2/9 saved a lot of people lives with their fire support missions, my brothers among them. I thank you for that!

Doug Duden

31 May 13

My name is James (Jim) Risinger and I served in "Charlie" battery of the 2/9th in 1969.

And a big Thank You from myself and a host of other guys just like me for starting and maintaining this website.

There hasn't been a day go by in the past 44 years that I haven't thought about the guys I served with in Vietnam, and to be able to come to your site and recall some of the events we all shared is a true blessing. Again, Thank You so much!

I have maintained contact with a very few of the guys I served with in Gun section #5, Lee Frolich from Algona, Iowa, Frank "Butch" Hitchinson from Pensacola, Fla and Roy Green from North Carolina. But reading over the battery rosters on your site, I found so many names of guys I vividly remember and I'm hoping that your site will help me find them too. In fact, last night I found the email address for David Scott who was our battery commander for a great portion of the year I was there and I sent him an email late last night.

I can't help remembering arriving at Camp Enari in very early of Jan 1969 and having to pull perimeter guard on like my second night there. Needless to say, I chewed up the seat of my boxers that night squinting at all the shadows that moved out side the wire. That was one long night, LOL.

A couple of days later I and Michael Patu who had come to the battery the same day were sent out to the Oasis where we were told we had it made, because Charlie battery was going to come back to the Oasis as a permanent thing and pull hipshoots (whatever that was) out of the Oasis and that meant hot meals, showers and a comfortable bunk each night. You can imagine my shock when about 0500 the next morning someone is kicking my boots and yelling for us to get up, that Charlie battery is on a hot LZ and needs every man it could get! Shortly thereafter, Michael and I are on a chopper headed to the war! I'll never forget my feelings as our chopper came into that LZ, which I can't even recall its name, it was sitting on top of this bald, bare hilltop with all living vegetation gone and one dead tree sticking up and I remember thinking, damn this looks just like all the war movies I had seen as a child. We didn't go back to the Oasis for several more weeks and so much for hot showers and a comfortable bunk. That night I slept on an air mattress next to the gun, and I got my first taste of incoming! Welcome to the Nam.

If there is anyone that remembers me from 1969, please drop me an email or a phone call, I'd love to hear from anyone.

Jim Risinger,

Home # 931-473-7722 Cell # 931-212-3545

28 Mar 13

To all of the men that served with The Mighty Ninth in Vietnam. They all need to give DENNIS DAUPHIN a big thank you, for his love and passion for this great web site that he has put together. And to all that have not sent picture to him or thanks, you need to do this right away because we are all getting old, and the time is not standing still for us. THANK YOU DENNIS.

Ronald Watts, Lexington, KY

21 Feb 13

{Steve Cox finds another 2/9th Redleg}

Eugene E. Lea he lives in Steelville, Missouri. His Email is ( I have his address and phone
number . Lea was in Vietnam in 1968 to 1969 . We worked together at the LZ Oasis, we were assigned to 1/69 Armor unit at their HQ . His MOS was 13B Cannon Crewmember he was assigned to HQ, Svc Btry as an RTO like me . We were at Ben Het with the 1/69th Armor together, too.

Eugene E. Lea
Email ""

16 Dec 12

I have maintained contact with Charles Skidmore throughout the last 43 years; after joining the Internet world in 2010, I found "The Mighty Ninth" website, reconnected with Maj Jerry Orr S3, Lt Mike Kurtgis Air Observer, Dave Price, Jim Castelletti, Floyd Mckendree, Jeff Labreck, Steve Sykora, Lt Monty Lafitte FO, Lt John Cashin, Commo Officer, Cpt Cal Kahara, Mike Hagans, A Btry, Tom Rager Arty Liason in 3rd Brigade TOC, and Cpt Dave Horswell, Btry Commander. Who is next? I still spend some idle hours searching but so far have not had responses from email, phone and Facebook attempts to reach those with names of Rick Breitenbach, Wayne Shea, Ronnie D Crowe (he may by deceased), Bruce Topham, Larry Cannon, Dave Durst, Ray Plunkett, Richard Mayeda, and Btry Commanders Maj John Finlayson, Cpt Bob Richardson, Cpt John Williams.

Last year I learned of the 35th Infantry Regiment Association Reunions to which 2/9th Artillery vets are welcomed due to the support we gave 1st and 2nd/35th in RVN. I attended along with Orr, Kurtgis, and a couple dozen 2/9th strangers, now friends. I was blown away by the recognition we received and appreciation we felt by many of the 450 infantrymen with whom we met. Steve Sykora can attest to this as he joined us this year at the Denver Reunion and was equally impressed.

Next fall, the 35th Inf Regt Reunion is in Virginia Beach, VA. Please consider joining us. Also, Jerry is working on a 2/9th Artillery Reunion at Ft Sill in the spring '13. Make your contact information known via the "Contact Us" link and include some information about you for the "Visitors Comments' link. It is great to reconnect, tell stories, laugh, and yes cry, and experience the same bond and camaraderie we felt with our brothers in Vietnam.

Regards, Welcome Home and feel free to contact me,
A. John (Moon) Mullins
Elgin, IL
cell 847-429-1934
HHB, TOC, May '68 - '69

18 Oct 12

I was stationed at Schofield from Sep of 63 to Sep 65, at which time I returned stateside and home. I worked in Headquarters Battery in S3. We did several training sessions on the Big Island. After a few months at home, I had learned that the 2nd Bn, 9th Arty left for Vietnam in December of 65. A lot of guys I bunked and trained with were in the group. If anyone knows of guys from Headquarters Battery who served during this time, I would like to be in touch with them.

Lt Col Ingraham (S1); Major Joseph M. Lank, Capt Schneider and Australian Caption Hedges were the heads of S3.

Thanks///Gene Tomkoski (TOM)

12 Oct 12

I served with the Mighty Ninth from May, 1969 to April, 1970 (unit goes home). I was Bn LNO to 1/14 Inf from June to November, the Asst S3 until after the first of the year, and then Bde LNO.
Thanks for the website

Stu Royle

27 Oct 12

My name is Walt Shields and I was with The Mighty Ninth from July of 69 until they went home (April, 1970).

I would love to be a part of The Mighty Ninth web site. I was sent out with A Co. 2/35th Inf in a FO party. I just got off the phone with Walt Schneidereit. I have not talked to more than 3 members of the ninth since Viet Nam. I did see Cpt R.T. Owens in St. Louis back in the early 70's and met one other member at Ft. Sill and just now with Walt. Walt told me that you have reunion's and I would love to know about the next one. My email is "". Thanks for everything.

Walt Shields
5907 W. Farmington Rd
Peoria, Il 61604 Phone: 309-637-4618

18 Oct 12

I was stationed at Schofield Barracks from Sep of 63 to Sep 65, at which time I returned stateside and home. I worked in Headquarters Battery in S3. We did several training sessions on the Big Island. After a few months at home, I had learned that the 2nd Bn, 9th Arty left for Vietnam in December of 65. A lot of guys I bunked and trained with were in the group. If anyone knows of guys from Headquarters Battery who served during this time, I would like to be in touch with them.

Lt Col Ingraham (S1); Major Joseph M. Lank, Capt Schneider and Australian Caption Hedges were the heads of S3.

Thanks///Gene Tomkoski (TOM)

4 Oct 12

(Message left on the 35th Infantry Regiment Assn website:) 1966 - Vietnam - "B" Btry - 2nd Bn 9th Arty 105mm how - 3rd Bde 25 Inf Div - Pleiku

SP5 Gerald J. Moore RA 22-884-286 - Request any info about my unit and members - our mission

j moore -- Enosburg Fall VT USA -- 09/27/2012

Email -- http://www.mypage. com/

12 Aug 12

Hello, Dennis. I am Wayne Crochet from New Orleans. I stumbled upon the website looking for my Battery Commander, Dutch Hutsell. You and I met at battalion headquarters in July of 1967 as I was coming in country and as you were leaving as best I recall. Whatever the case I do remember that we met and talked a little "yat talk" both being from New Orleans. I also remember a tape at a VFW meeting and sent to me.-I remember that you were assigned to A Battery as the XO. I was assigned to C Battery and worked the chairs so to speak, starting out as FO for B 2/35th , the C Battery FDO and I ended my last 6 mos in country as the XO, certainly the best of those 3 jobs.----I got out of the Army after VN, came back to NO and went to work at Brown & Root and went to law school. After graduating I stayed with B&R until the mid 80s and retired from there and went into practice on my own. We plan to fully retire this year as I have been cutting back since last year and my wife Carol will take her teacher retirement at the end of this school year. Our 3 children are scattered between Houston and DC. I hope this finds you and your family well and in good health.

Wayne Crochet

3 June 12

was referred to you in an effort to get help in finding some of the men I served with as a FO from Feb 68 to July 68. I was assigned to B battery 2nd battalion 9th arty with a Capt. Jones as the CO.
I would enjoy making contact with Capt. Jones, and also confirming which infantry battalion I worked with in an effort to make contact with members of the company I worked with as an FO.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joseph Frederick Oliver, 858-229-2468

La Jolla, Ca
(1st Lt - 1968 )

21 Dec 11

My name is Steve Gorecky

I arrived in Viet Nam during Tet (Feb 68). I had just been reassigned from the 3rd ACR in Germany and was the FDC chief. I was E-5 & did not know shit from shinola as in Germany all we did was play war games. After a week of Jungle training in Pleiku I was assigned to "A" btry that was currently in standdown at Bong Son {LZ English I think}. The old vets there had some fun with me the cherry boy & I fell for some of the tricks - the best being looking for "lanyard grease" never having been on the "guns' what the hell did I know. After "English" it becomes a bit sketchy until we got air lifted to Kontum international {I will never forget just how agile a loaded C-130 could be }.

{Read more under "Tour of Duty / Memories"}

Steve Gorecky

21 Dec 11

I was the forward observer for C/2/9 attached to D/2/35th Infantry from August 22, 1967 to December 7, 1967. I note that I am not listed on the Forward Observer page I was a 1LT at the time.
Michael O'Keefe

{Webmaster's Note: Fixed! Thanks for checking in!}

14 Nov 11

Greetings from an old soldier......
I am LTC David G. Scott (Ret). I served with the 2/9th from Jan 1969 to Jan 1970. I was an assistant S3 for 3 months, Bde LNO for 3 months and "C" Btry CO for the last six months of my tour. Can't forget LTC Redmond Forrester who told me that when the war was over, there would be a RIF just like after all others wars and I needed to get an RA commission. Thanks to a max OER and a recommendation for RA (that I accepted), I had a career that I might not have otherwise had. "RED"- you were right and thanks!
I have attached a few pictures and a short word file to say "Hi" and thanks to the men I was lucky enough to serve with. I have a few more pictures if you would like them.
Your website brought back a lot of memories and I recognize a few of the men listed. Thanks for doing this.

David G. Scott

25 Oct 11

My name is Randy Eagleton better known as “DOC”. I served with C Btry 2/9 from Sept. ’67 to Sept.’68. I just discovered this website and am reaching out to others that might have served with C Btry 2/9 during my tour. Through this site I just contacted SSG Robert Byrne and would like to hear from others after 44 years. I have some pictures I am going to dig out and will try to get them posted to the website.

Randy “Doc” Eagleton (home) (work)

9 Sep 11

I was in B Btry, 8/28/67 – 8/28/68. My name is William F. Kull ( ). I don’t remember any names, but if anyone wants to connect me I would like that. Put B/2/9 in the subject line or call me 505-425-5348 I look forward to hearing from someone.

William F. Kull

30 Mar 11

{Note. PFC John Portonova signed on to the 25th Inf Div website and he was directed to The Mighty Ninth courtesy of Dick Arnold of the 35th Inf Regt Assn. John was one of the original "Blue Light" specials shipping over from Hawaii to begin our tour of war duty}

Dennis: I got your e-mail and was happy to hear from you. I'm going to give your e-mail address to CPL Leo Weichmann, he was our truck driver. We had a bad battle and I was hit with shrapnel. The one that remembers was CPL Billy Pope. About 6 mounts ago I finally tracked him down and I had bad news from his wife. She told me he died and it was from Agent Orange. Leo remembers us being mortared but can't recall me being hit with shrapnel. Any way I'm getting 100%. Changing the subject, PFC Danny D. Holley, PFC Gary a matter of a fact I can give you all of the names from our 25th Inf Div book . I have some thing interesting: it's about" lessons learned". It was I guess it was the minutes of Headquarters. I know that I have some where in my house. Thanks for the e-mail PS. I live in a town called Throop, Pennsylvania

John J. Portonova 28Dec65 - 4Sep66

22 Jan 11

Hi to all Redlegs My name is Robert Byrne, SSG Retired. I was with Battery C from 67-69. That’s when it was part of the 25th Div and transferred to the 4th Div. I cannot remember the Firebases I was on. I do remember "here today, gone tomorrow" as we moved throughout the Highlands going North, East, South and West.

I remember two people: my Gunner Cpl Lopez and our XO Lt Kuney. I was with the best bunch of cannoncockers there ever was. As for Cpl Lopez, I had to leave him off the night commo watch. Reason: it seemed we always got hit with mortars on his watch. God Bless all who served there.
Bob Byrne
1033 A Barmettler Place
Columbia SC 29210

26 Dec 10

I served with HQ Btry radar ("The Big Eye") from 1967 to 1969. We were the AN/MPQ-4A Radar on "Mile High" 67-68. We were also on LZ Marylou, LZ Cacti, Kontum and many others. I enjoyed your "Visitor Link". Thank you.

John Anderson
Email -

12 Nov 10

My name is Jeremiah Anderson. My Grandfather was MSG Charles R. Petersen (Ret). From the information I have, he served in HQ & SVC Battery 2nd Bn, 9th Arty from 29 Dec 1966 through 29 Dec 1969 and was in Vietnam from the first time in 66-67, he was then a Staff Sergeant. It's always been my understanding that he worked in FDC. Charles passed away on 23 June 2010 at the age of 74. I would like to learn more about my grandfather and his military service. I am an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran and have heard a few of his stories, which I've learned were more than he had ever told his own children. If anyone has any information and remembers the SSG Petersen, please feel free to contact me at jeremiah.d.anderson83@gmail. com.
Sgt Jeremiah D. Anderson
jeremiah.d.anderson83@gmail. com.

14 Sep 10

Sp5 Larry Engels (also served at LZ St George at time of attempted overrun)

Sp5 Larry Engels, A Btry, 2nd 9th Arty, 4th Infantry Div. Viet Nan Jan 69 to Jan 70.
Postal Police Officer U.S. - Postal Inspection Service Los Angeles, Ca.
Home address:
26665 Whippoorwill Pl
Santa Clarita, Ca. 91351
Home telephone number: 661-252-2595
Age: 62

E-Mail address:

13 August 10

Dear 2/9th "A" Battery & 1/14 "B" Company guys:
RE: LZ St George....I was there from Feb 69-April 70. I have many pictures and a full detail of that fateful night in November, 1969 at LZ St. George when we almost got overrun. Please contact me as I am very anxious to talk with anyone who was there and maybe share this. Any of you guys would remember me maybe by my call sign, 37 Sierra better know as Rick Slick. Was an RTO right after LZ St. George got whacked. I went out with the 1/14th, "B" Company if my memory serves me right. I remember one of the grunts, they called him Sugar. He was a great guy along with all the rest. Looking forward to hearing from all and everyone who remembers.

God Bless,
Richard J. Ericksen Sr. New Haven, CT 06512 (203)468-6147 Home or cell (203)996-8821

8 August 10

Hello Lt (Dauphin), been a long time since I've seen you. Left you setting on top of LZ OD (Duc Pho). As soon as I can get photos arranged and a history with the 2/9th written, I'll get them to you.

I was the blond Sp4 that worked under you and Lt (Gary Dean)Springer in the Exec post. I PCS'd to Ft Sill, OK on 31Aug67. Had started out in FDC and was moved to number 6 howitzer, 1Dec66. Went with the FO Team on 3Jan67. Was with "B" Company as the RTO with FO section. That was for about 6 weeks. Around Jan-Feb 67, I stepped in old punji pit and couldn't walk, so I was medivac'ed back to the Battery. Back to #6 until late June-July 67 when I was moved to the Exec post to help Lt Springer. I stayed there until DEROS.

John Waldman (SFC, Ret. AANG)

16 June 10

April, 1967, Operation Task Force Oregon: when the brigade moved to Bong Son, I was XO with C/2/9. We ended up moving around the coastal area and ended up on Hill 54 outside Chu Lai. I had been FO with C/2/35 in Pleiku area November 66 to March 67. Cpt Rykowski was CO of C/2/35 at the time. The CO of C/2/9 after Oregon was Cpt. Myers. Anyone from 2/9th when we were Tropic Lightning, I would like to hear from you. The 4th Div folks we were all brothers in that mess. God speed to all of you. I am now 75 and wonder where it all went.

Best wishes,
John Murphy, MAJ Retired

10 Apr 10

I served with Delta-HHC 2/35th from July '67 thru Sept'68. During the period of Oct '67 thru May '68 while in the Jungles with Delta we had a FO whose name I can not remember. I was hoping that you may be able to assist in researching his name and email or phone number. He always had an upbeat attitude and was great to around. My time with Delta was spent mostly as Battalion RTO. Hope fully he is still with us. Thanks for any assistance possible.

John Morgan HHC-D 2/35th, 67-68

24 Mar 10

Hello : I am Raymond Delano and my son informed me of your site and I'm glad he did. I served in "B" Btry 2/9 Arty from June 1966-June 1967. I was assigned to the Bn Ammo Section and Capt Osborne asked me if I would go to Alpha Company 1-14th Inf as a Arty Recon Sgt. I did and served as the Arty Recon Sgt from Aug 66 to Jan 67. I have some pictures I would like to send you and also some orders I would like to send in to you. Glad I found the site will be in touch with you soon; keep up the good work.

Ray Delano
Raymond T.

15 Feb 10

I was on LZ Destruction and then we changed the name to LZ Snoopy. I believe the XO was Lt Aiken just before I left. I live in Schaumburg, Illinois There is a guy named Ward, he lives somewhere in Florida. I found in some website that had something to do with the 2nd 9th I was the only Asian guy ( Japanese) in B battery so the nickname "Dink". Also, I remember a guy named "Red" from Jacksonville. Other names, Adam from Florida, Arabian from Boston, Finfrock from Ohio, Tucker from Mississippi. I also had a picture taken from someone I can't remember, of me holding a giant snake I killed underneath my cot. Maybe you remember that incident. I think everyone saw that snake. I have a lot of pleasant memories of the guys I met while in Viet Nam.

Ron Mishima

24 Dec 09

To whom it may concern:
My name is Roy Sandoval, son of Telesfor Sandoval. My father passed on back in 1976 and I have been trying to find any photos, stories and friends of his during his tour. He was in Pleiku and his grade was PFC E-3 (P) - Cannoneer. He was in Vietnam around October 66 through Mar 14,1967 when he was injured by a motor explosion in RVN. If you have anything please respond.
Thank you
Roy F. T. Sandoval

{Webmaster's Note: Very pleased to inform Mr. Sandoval that, thanks to Lt Gary "Dean" Springer's personal journal of the events of that day, his father was injured in a concentrated mortar attack on "C" Battery where both the Battery CO and the Battery XO were also wounded.}

13 Nov 09

I joined the 2/9 Arty in early 64 - Nov or early Dec 65. I was in the Commo section. I think the Section Chief was SSG Cary, then SSG Alexander took over as Chief and SSG Cary went to team chief position. I went on shotgun 10 in May 65 and got back in Sept 65. Just before they shipped, I was transferred to HHB DivArty into an E-5 slot as a Recon Sgt on an FO team. I went back to Nam with that unit. Sure wish I could have went with the 2/9th. All the guys I knew well and trained with were there. They were my real buddies. I hardly knew anyone in HHB. I know it affected my morale for a while. Those guys were like brothers to me after 2 yrs with them. That will always be my unit that I most associated with. I have seen a few of them since Nam though. After I came back, I was assigned to Ft Campbell Ky as a D I. Then I almost went back to Nam, in fact I was on orders to go back but I didn't re-up again. They were going to send me to Replacement Depot as cadre . I got out and went to driving a semi (39yrs). During that time I went into the NC Guard. I didn't want to throw away the time I had. I retired with 23 1/2 yrs so I get a little pay and good insurance. OH! James A. Hall (B Btry was on his 2nd tour of shotgun when he was KIA near Go Cong a little northwest of Soc Trang. Talk to you latter, take care.

Harold Woody

12 Nov 09

Great Web Site! A great tribute to all our 2/9 Vets.
I was also with the Advance Party for the Firing Battery of "C" Btry, 2nd Bn, 9th Arty, 3rd Bde, 25th Inf Div and landed in Pleiku in December, 1965 as part of "Operation Blue Light". I was really excited to see your website and all the great info and tributes.
Thanks to Michael Huseth for the great posts and photos. As a result, we have been back in touch after many years. He was a good buddy (see his photo MH7) and showed me the ropes when I first arrived in Hawaii in 1965. My memories have faded and my many photos are on slides in the basement, maybe one day I will have the time to find them and select a few for this Web Site. It will give me a new mission.
Thanks so much!

Jay R. Uler
East Jordan, Michigan

19 Oct 09

Well, I thought I would send you this picture. {See Danny Fort's Photo Album} I ran across Geary Burrows this week while I had some of my grandkids out for the state Youth Deer hunt . I told him about the website, but he said he didn't get on the computer much. But his wife sometimes does, so she said she would look it up. He was in "B" Battery FDC 1967 - 68 until he was injured in the spring or summer and was sent home. Keep up the good work; things are coming together.
Cowboy Danny Fort

27 Sep 09

It's being a long time guys. As I'm getting older and realize that a lot of us never got in touch after the war. I was part of the FDC headquarters during the years of 1968. Would like to hear from you if you were part of this unit during this year. After I saw a news report on TV of a homecoming from other units {Ft Campbell, KY}. Would it be nice for us to think that something similar to it could happen and meet once again??? However, if this never happens I'll like to say how proud I'm of all of you guys. I would be proud to march next to my brothers.

Wayne T. Shea

24 June 09

I was the Advance Party for the Firing Battery of "A" Btry, 2nd Bn, 9th Arty, 3rd Bde, 25th Inf Div and landed in Pleiku on Christmas Day, 1965. I was the #3 Section Chief until November 1966 when I came home 30 days early because I went over on the Advance Party. I was really excited to see your web page.

MSG (Ret) Alfred C Martin
Ardmore, Al 35739

12 June 09

It was quite a shock when I came across the website. It stirred up some memories. The sights sounds, and the smell of gunpowder came back as strong as they were over forty years ago. I need to make a correction of my name. It is J. William Ward. I have more pictures, they are in pretty bad shape.

J. William Ward

26 May 09

Found your great web site and saw a face I recognized, Danny Fort. I have a couple of pictures of he and I being awarded an ACM. I was a Asst Gunner and Gunner on Righteous One. Would like to correspond with anyone who served during 67- 68
Sherm Machgan, Bravo Battery, Sept1967- Sept1968

3 Apr 09


Just stumbled onto your web site by accident. It brought back a lot of memories... and do I have the stories to tell! AND I saved a lot of photos! AND I saved my uniform and 2/9th insignias and special berets! Here is me in Duc Pho wearing a 2/9th camouflage beret (that's my 3/4-ton commo truck in the background- notice the hex insignia on the door)... {See Dixon Album - Photo Gallery}

Here are the berets. Note the 2/9th embroidery and the shield on the red one. The other also as "2/9 Arty" embroidered on it, but hard to see. We were told that we were authorized to wear the red only at special functions or on post. And the camouflage was for the field... but our sergeants never made much comment about them and we could not wear them in formations. {See Dixon Album - Photo Gallery}

Here is my uniform with 2/9th shields on the epaulets and BOTH 25th division and 4th division patches due to the fact the 3rd Brigade 25th spent so much time in 4th Division territory (and 3rd of 4th spent so much time in the 25th area) they simply swapped during the time I was there. The specialty braid in red is not exactly correct for me since I was a Signal Corps guy (which was orange) but I was told by my CO to wear the red braid in honor of our artillery unit rather than my training. They made me remove the orange braid... {See Dixon Album - Photo Gallery}

I also knew Charles McClurg very well (he preferred to be called just "Bruce" for some reason). We were both from Michigan, but he was younger than me. We talked all the time and he kinda looked up to me. He was also an "RA" and told me he put his age up to get in, so I still wonder today what his real age was... especially as listed. And while he is listed as "C" Battery on your site, he was actually originally part of my commo team in the Headquarters Battery and got himself transferred over to Battalion HQ... which then farmed him out from there to a deeper field battery. His death is always listed as December 25th, 1967, but I very well remember that he was actually killed on Christmas eve. And the letter from the fellow on your site matches exactly what I was told over the radio that night as to how he died. I was one of the first to hear since I was commo. I ran the HQ radios, radio teletype and crypto machines. I remember us soldiers in a tent in Duc Pho crying tears that night over news of his death. He slept in the same tent with us until his transfer and he was a good friend of mine. I think of him often. In fact, when he left our unit, he actually believed he was not coming back. I tried to convince him otherwise, but he gave me his cigarette lighter and Kodak camera "to keep in case I don't return"... which I still have to this day. I have often thought of trying to contact his family and sending them these items. Here they are... {See Dixon Album - Photo Gallery}

And 2/9th had special insignias that went on our trucks. I don't see this mentioned anywhere. They were hexagons of red and outlined in yellow. I am told they were to symbolize an ammo box turned on it's side. You can see the symbol on the door of my commo truck and on our commo jeep (below... look over the grille... and again I have a beret on)... {See Dixon Album - Photo Gallery}

The place I remember that was so dangerous and remote was a place we called LZ Liz. I spent a few days and nights there huddled in a bunker while the guns went off. I forget which battery was there, but they had very rough accommodations and a scary place on top of a hill. I was stationed in Duc Pho at the time. I was also in Kontum, Bong Son, and other areas.

Thanks for keeping the memories alive. There were some very brave young men in that unit. Some like McClurg didn't come home. Others did and I sometimes wonder where they are now. Our part of the unit came from all over the eastern USA and middle areas like Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. I have many more pics, some personnel lists and more. I even still have all of my R&R stuff from Bangkok!


Leon "Lee" Dixon

19 Mar 09

My name is Ron Griffin (Sgt, A/1-82 FA 70-71). I am the web page manager for the 82nd FA Regimental web site at Several members of C Btry, 1st Bn, 82nd FA are looking for information on units who operated out of LZ Liz in Quang Ngai Provence before the later 1/2 of 1968. "C" Btry took over for a 105mm unit on Liz in mid to late '68 and would like information on the startup of that fire base. We believe the unit involved was the 2/9 while operating as part of Task Force Oregon and would like to hear from any of you that has info on Liz they can share. Just contact me through LZ Hurricane if you can help and I will get you in touch with the C Btry vets.

5 Mar 09

Hi, I just looked up this site for a buddy of mine, a former Red Leg from your outfit, I imagine he will be in contact with you soon. I just wanted to comment on what a great web site you have and to thank you for your service and to say "Welcome Home". I too was in the Fourth Infantry Div., Co C 1st/12th Inf. and don't know if you ever did any fire missions for us (got kind of confusing over there) in and out of somebody's operational control, places where the fields of fire might have overlapped but at any rate we (the Infantry) couldn't have handled our mission of closing with the enemy unless we had the big guns helping us. My motto out in the field was "For a good time call in Artillery" lol. We were certainly in the same places but usually at different times. I wish all my Fourth Div. brothers the best.........

Paul Pagliaro

22 Feb 09

First and foremost, thank you for the response. The picture in frame 159/173 very likely could be me. The picture in frame 163/173 is not me; I can not identify who it could be. I do know and remember you. I also would note that I spent time with Lt. Landau in the field as his RTO. I have seen your photos on the Cacti web site, but these are more and more familiar. Thanks again, if I hear from others or can come up with new info, I will forward it. I left country in September, 1968. I took a three month extension and left the army as a SGT E5. Now living in Livonia, MI.

Thanks again, SGT NOSE (Greg Malnar)

18 Feb 09

1Lt Bill Farmer, Forward Observer for C Company, was a genuine hero. Fatally wounded on 20 May, he died on 29 May, 1967. An impact DSC was submitted and I discovered only recently that the award had been downgraded to a Silver Star. Will you please help to change this error and injustice to Bill? The vehicle for this is DD Form 149 July 2006---“Application For Correction of Military Record Under the Provisions of Title 10, U.S. Cord, Section 1552”. I have two eyewitnesses to the action---Lt. Rutledge and PFC Thorne. Can any of you help to locate his wife, Carletta V. Farmer or daughter Lee, or access to his Silver Star Citation? I hope to work with you and look forward to your replies.

Jim Lanning (commanded C Company in the action where Bill gave his all)

6 Feb 09

I came to the TF (3rd Brigade, 25th Ind Div Special Task Force) in December 65 and was assigned as FO to B/1/14 Infantry (Golden Dragon/Right of the Line). I also had the privilege of serving as A/1/14's FO when Hap Shanles was company commander. And Jock Miller did his famous "John Wayne" on an ambush in the TF Oregon AO. I will be looking at the 1/14 web site for all my old friends.

Dave Whaley

2 Feb 09

Golden Dragons, Sir! to all you cannon-cockers! You "Kings of Battle" certainly provided the balls to us who served in the "Queen" many times when called upon to save our butts. Hats off to Dennis for establishing this wonderful site. My name is Tom Jones and I deployed from Hawaii as XO of B/1/14. Spent my first 3-4 months humping the Cambodian border alongside one of your FO's, Bill Diehl from Battery B. Later, when I was on staff of 1-14 Infantry spent a lot of time with LNO's Carl Morin and Charlie Jackson. Would love e-mail contact from any of them. 1-14 has a web site at the link provided and we invite you to check out our "Timeline" section of Battalion Journal entries and share our mutual history. We have also recently started a 14th Infantry Regiment Association and invite any of you that "humped" with us to join. I would also request your help in telling the forgotten history of our Brigade. I am editing a book initiated by the 25th Infantry Division Association to be titled "The Bastard Brigade: A History of the 3rd BDE Task Force in the Central Highlands and Beyond. There will be sections about the 3 Infantry BN's (1/14,1/35,2/35), 2/9 Artillery and 1/69 Armor. I've seen comments in this Guest Book about battles at LZ St. George and Oasis and would love to have details from your perspective. Historical detail from mid-1967 through 1970 are sketchy, so we need your help. Thanks.

Tom Jones (

20 Jan 09

Wow! Dick Ellegood---WIA May 67 when we were at Duc Pho-Chu Lai area. I was Bn Commo/Crypto Off so had to take a chopper ride to the port of DaNang where Dick was evac'd to the Hospital ship HOPE. We landed the chopper on deck and I had to go track down his "VALUABLES " to recover his map and "code book". Had a very short visit with him --like Hi & Bye & I gotta get back to the chopper. Strange the memories a name will bring back. Dick--glad you made it.

Pat Kasperbauer -

15 Jan 09

I can give you a little more history on Dick Ellegood. He was also XO of "C" battery when it was just north of Guadalcanal and was wounded during a mortar attack on the FB and evacuated. He lost an eye and was rehab'ed and sent to Field Artillery School as an instructor. Had a great family and was one of the guys you could trust with your life.

Dave Whaley

14 Jan 09

Thank you for the website. I have wondered what happen to some of the soldiers of 2/9th. Yes, I think I remember Lt. Don Blankin; say hello for me.

I served less than two years in the military; discharged Oct. 24,1969. Went back to Dallas,TX. where my wife was staying. Worked for the Zale Corp. 19 years then had my own jewelry business for 13 years; sold it and retired in Las Vegas in 2002.

Max Leach
Tel. 702-227-5759

8 Jan 09

LTC Dauphin – Joe Galloway forwarded your note, and I am closing the loop with you. I appreciate the outreach. I do remember my days as an FO in the Btry B, 2/9th FA Regt. The lessons I learned in combat in Vietnam stayed with me for the next 37 years as a Soldier. My Recon Sergeants and I have stayed in touch. Ernie Kingcade, Enid, OK, and Les Cotton, Navarro County, TX, were two big reasons I succeeded in the Army. Many thanks for the note. Happy New Year and best wishes for a 2009 filled with good health, much happiness, and peace.

Best regards -- Ric Shinseki

8 Dec 08

By a stroke of luck, my web surfing this evening brought me to the Mighty Ninth web site. For some reason, I had not come to it previously. I am one of the names on the FO list with you. The last name. I have some papers/orders/updates for the site you may wish to use. During the Christmas lull, I will endeavor to organize them and email.

I managed to hang around the Army for 30. By coincidence, I attended the BDE pre command class with Ric Shinseki and am very glad he has been tapped to continue to serve. I deployed with the BN in Jan 66 (rode the C-141 with the Inf Company) and departed Dec 66. So we overlapped. Need to trade stories.

Thanks for what you do with this effort.

Bob Zschoche
Whispering Pines NC

18 Nov 08

Good to hear from you. I have been waiting for quite a long time for a web site like this. Since I live approximately 30 miles from Washington, D.C., I have attended gatherings at "The Wall" with the hope I would run into someone I served with. Additionally, besides being at the Oasis for Mother's Day '69, I was also there when it was being downsized/torn down.
Going to take an inventory of my Nam items tonight. I think I have an article with a rather large picture of my 105 battery with a 155 battery, and a 175 battery along side a old Special Forces air strip.
Mark Gannon

29 Oct 08

Hi -- and this is Sp 4 Joe Cook of "B" Btry 2nd Bn, 9th Arty, from Dec 65 - Jan 67. I was in the FDC. I have a picture of Short Round as a pup and I was blown away when reading through the site. Had always wondered what happened to Short Round. He would ride the supply Helo's and always come back to us. How did he get wounded? Hope you might send some pictures of Short Round! Right now a flood of memories are coming back and am not able to keep up and so was nice to read your recall of some of the LZs (of which I know). I was only in Pleiku awhile and spent most of my time out all over the boonies. But, we kept one gun section back in the area of Pleiku and so had 5 howitzers (105 mm) in the field with us. This site new to me and so am trying it out. Hope to hear from you.

Joe Cook

25 Sep 08

On this day in 1968, we lost 1st Lt. Roger Fulkerson at Duc-Lap. I'm taking this opportunity to remember Roger and his family, that he sadly never knew, and to remind everyone that we owe those heroes, that gave so much, a moment of our time to salute them for their sacrifices and be thankful for the opportunity we have had to enjoy our life with the freedom they helped provide. A big thanks also to Dennis for his effort in providing us with this site so that our lost Brothers have a place to be that we may visit with them from time to time.

Lt Don Blankin,
Bravo 2/9 1968-1969 (deceased)

6 Aug 08

I just had a copy of the web site published to me by an old friend who served in the Mighty Ninth...(FO) Lt Rainer Stutt. I have enjoyed reading all the stories and statements-especially that about my old friend Bill Farmer who attended OCS with me at Ft. Sill (or vice versa). Bill was a truly unique individual. I don't have much to contribute, but there are a couple of people and stories I would like to contribute. May I send them through you? My easiest contact is I made a branch switch to Armor after I left the war.

Lt Dave Whaley

6 Aug 08

Would like to make a correction to my 24 Apr 08 message on the Visitors Comments section. The email address was wrong since it had an extra dot in it. It should be Also, hello to Terry Stuber in B Battery FDC. I remember you well, 43 Sierra.

This is 13 Papa, Dave Price, from Battalion FDC. Greetings from Minnesota.

9 July 08

Good Morning Terry and others! I have a pretty good list of LZ's Oct 68-69 to add to yours which include: Saber, Schyler, Steadfast, Ranger I and II (yep we landed on the wrong one and had to move after filling another million sandbags), Bridgette, Valentine, Marylou, Oasis, Cacti Blue, Thirsty, Duke, Penny, Ruth, Ernie, Patsy.........Geez, I don't remember half of them. For new arrivals here, I was FDC, B, 2/9.

Best Wishes,
Tom Roman
Lake Worth, Florida


9 July 08

Goooooooooood morning my REDLEG pals. I would like to hear from you fellows that were assigned to 2/35th from 8-68 thru 8-69. I was a battalion RTO that stayed with the forward firebases during my entire tour. It was not uncommon for us to mingle and make friends with the 2/9th soldiers once they got on the firebase...some of the firebase names were: LZ Saber, LZ Valentine, LZ Penny, LZ English and many more that I cannot remember.

Terry Savely
HHC 2/35th 8-68/8-69

8 July 08

Dear “The Mighty Ninth” Webmaster:
The following is additional information for your command and staff page.

"Dutch" (Capt.) Hutsell and I arrived in the battalion at the same time 1/22/67. He was assigned the job as S-4, Vince (Capt.) DeJesus was made the "C" Btry Cmdr and I was made Hq Btry Cmdr. Vince was wounded in March and I was assigned command of "C" Btry on 14 March 67. On 25 July 67, Dutch Hutsell and I switched jobs; he became the "C" Btry Cmdr and I the S-4. Attached is a picture of me during the time I was C Btry Cmdr.

God Bless!
Dick Dwinell MAJ Ret

Webmaster Note: Captain Harold "Dutch" Hutsell is deceased.

3 July 08

Hello all. Sp5 Terry Stuber here, "B" Battery July 1967 - July 1968. Danny Fort and I were in the FDC together. He called me today and told me about the website and it is GREAT. I will try to find some pics to post if you want them.

Terry Stuber
Metamora, IL 61548

30 June 08

Hello all! This is Sp5 Danny Fort. I was in "B" Btry 2nd Bn, 9th Arty, from Sept 67 - Sept 68. There are too many Firebases to list. I have seen one other person who mentioned Duc Pho and Pleiku, Ban Me Thuot, Kontum, and Thunder Mountain. I was in the FDC (Fire Direction Center). They called me "Cowboy". I have run across a couple of guys from back then. Would like to hear from others. I have a good picture of myself and "Short Round", the Battery dog. {See Photo Album} If you were there, you know who he was. This is a pic of short round and myself after he was wounded; I was the one who stitched him up and then took him to the doc. When he was in our Btry, he always stayed on my bunk. I have had contact over the years with Terry Stuber, Gary Burrows, and First Sergeant Clifford J Pullan (deceased). One of the Battery names was Capt Donovan (I believe he was from Boston), 1SG Pullan (he was from Aline, Ok and now lives in Alma, Ak) There was Lt. Moyer not sure of these spellings. Also, a Lt Baumgartner. They were FO's and FDO's. I remember faces to some others, but don't remember their names right now. I'm happy you put together this site. I have looked for years to find it. As I have started using the VA hospital, and it has helped me remember some things. Thanks again.
Danny L. Fort, (Headrick, Okla) aka "Cowboy", Sp5 Fire Direction Chief, B Btry

Feel free to contact me at

23 June 08

Hello all my Mighty Ninth friends. My name is Herb Ables and I served with 2/9th Arty, "B" Battery, from 5 Oct 5 '69 to 5 Oct 5 '70. I spent my first 6 months bouncing around LZ to LZ. Colors went home and I didn't have enough time in country and moved on to 4/42. Would like to hear from anyone around my time in country. I have a few pictures of my time in country and a few of the LZ's. Looking for pictures of LZ St. George. I was there on that fretful night of November 5th, 1969. If you were there, you remember. I know I'll never forget it. Nor the next evening.

Contact me. Herb Ables ""

PS: Does anyone remember a Lt JM Tolar? Please let me know.

11 June 08

Hi to all from the MIGHTY-NINTH. I am Samuel Nieto; I served in Nam from 9--67 to 9--68 in "C" Battery first with Sgt Carson, then Sgt Payne and served in- between Nov & Dec with FO known as "63 KILO" in C/2/35th Infantry Regiment. I returned on 12-23-67 back to 2/9 Arty and two days later my replacement Charles McClurg along with Danny Jeter and Lt Siengo were KIA by a deflected round that fell on top of them. Discovered this web 6-10-08 and have talked to three Cannoneer buddies. Still looking for Juan R. Renteria. I use to love to go get the mail and guess what: I worked for the Postal Service until October, 2005. Retired with 38 years and 4 months. Hope to hear from you guys.

Sam Nieto

Webmaster Note - Sgt Sam Nieto is deceased.

8 May 08

Good Day,
I’m glad to see your web site devoted to the Mighty Ninth! I joined C Battery, 2nd Bn, 9th Artillery a week before Christmas, 1963. A fellow from Midland Texas, Walter G. Hyatt, arrived the same time on a Merchant Marine vessel from Oakland Army Terminal. Christmas in Hawaii was just a little strange with warm weather vs. the cold & snow of Minnesota and Wisconsin that I was used to. Also, the scraggly Christmas tree in the middle of the Quad made it seem just a little out of whack. Both of us started out in the ammo section, then split up within the Battery, he to 3rd Gun Section, and myself to the Orderly Room as Battery Clerk, taking Jerry Evans of Marshalltown Iowa’s place. Some of the battery departed Hawaii late December, 1965, with the balance arriving in January ’66. I arrived in Vietnam on January 2, 1966. The 1st Sergeants I remember were James Henry, who later went to Battalion to be Sergeant Major, and James Taylor who went with us to Vietnam. Captain John Oliver was our CO when we left for Nam, but was relieved by Captain Ricardo Morales in early ’66. Walt Hyatt became Recon Sergeant for the FO, as did Aubrey D. Ramsey. One of the FO’s (we had a number of them go through) was Lt. John Williams. I’ll have to haul out the “25ths 25th” book for more names, seems the memory that was good yesterday, isn’t as good today. I do know I left Nam around September 15, 1966, Hyatt shortly thereafter and Ramsey by the end of ’66.

Walter G. Hyatt has since died sometime in the ‘80’s and Aubrey Dale Ramsey in 2007. Ramsey and I communicated for a while a few years ago, but lost touch in his final years.

Thanks for the web site, keep it up.
Michael D. Huseth,
1245 Mahtomedi Avenue, Mahtomedi MN 55115

6 May 08

I served with the 2/9 Arty from Sept. 67 - Sept. 68 in the liaison section with the 2/35 Inf. It is mentioned on the 2/35 Inf Cacti Association website that there is now a 2nd/9th Arty website. If so, please forward the logon info for the site.

Jim Connolly

24 Apr 08

This is Spec 5 Dave Price, worked in battalion FDC with Lt Col Shirey, S3 Major Wright, plus many other great duty officers (Capt. Walker, Capt. Fagan, etc.). Too bad you don't post names of more of us enlisted guys on the site. Was in 3rd Brigade, 4th Inf. Div. at Duc Pho, near Chu Lai during Tet in 68, then Bong Son, Kontum, finally west of Pleiku. Hello to all the guys from A, B, and C batteries, best wishes from Minneapolis. This is Mike 13, Out.

Webmaster Note: With great apologies, Dave, the site had its origin when I was trying to find my fellow Forward Observers, not knowing how many would ever see the website. To my glorious surprise, The Mighty Ninth has been a huge success and was greatly expanded to include ANY redleg who wore the crest of the 2/9th FA in Vietnam.

16 Mar 08

Great website. I went thru Artillery OCS with Don Blankin 33B67. Was with A Btry 5 BN 42Arty. We spent a lot of time in and around Tan An. I also moved two of our 155mm towed to support 5th SF at Tra Cu. Thanks for all your service. Mike Timmons Artillery OCS 33B67.

25 Feb 08

I called in a lot of rounds from you guys....never a short round....most of the time it was HE first time for a smoke round...thanks guys...26 kilo gone

Webmaster Note: Well, 26 kilo, you are one brave sunvagun! Thanks for the kind words.

20 Feb 08

Great website. You guys saved our butts a bunch! Thank You!
Wiley Dodd (Tiny) Sergeant at Arms 35th Inf Assn Recon 2/35th 1969

16 Feb 08

Very glad to find that the 2/9 has a site – great work!

I have one observation that needs clarification: In the Order of Battle , “C” is listed as direct support for 2/35th Inf. I was HSB 2/9th attached to 1/35th as Artillery Liaison from April 1969 to approximately August 1969 and “C” Battery was the direct support for the 1/35th at that time. Col English was the CO of 1/35th. I can provide documentation for this, but it will take digging out some 4th Div newspaper articles on the hit at LZ Oasis on 11 May 1969 – Mother’s Day. The 1/35th was on stand-down (the 2/35th had been there earlier) when we were hit. “C” Battery set up at the Oasis for the stand down. Anyone there will remember the attack on Mother’s Day.

“A” Btry. was direct support for 1/14th Inf. and “B” was the 2/35th direct. I was transferred to liaison between “A” Btry the 1/14th on +/- October 1969 after a stay in the 71st Evac.

Hope this does not cause too much confusion, but I lived and worked too closely with “C” Btry. and the 1/35 grunts to ever forget the connection.

Thanks again for the great site.

Milton Pounds

Spec 4, MOS 13E20

HSB 2/9th, Attached 1/35th

RVN, 1969

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