Ray T. Delano

Recon Sgt, FO Party, 2/9th Arty
Asg'd to "A" Co, 1/14th Inf Regt

After I returned to the States, I was assigned to Fort Dix, NJ and went to Drill Sgt School. When it came time to re-enlist in 1968, I told the re-enlistment NCO that the only way I would do it is if he got me a assignment to Hawaii; somehow he came up with it. I retired from the Army after 20+ years in 1984 as a First Sgt. My last assignment was as the Senior Instructor/NCOIC of the Nuclear Weapons Assembly School in Vilseck, Germany. Me and my family (wife Peggy, and three children moved to Vilidia, GA and I started working as a route supervisor for a large vending company. After 5 years, we moved to Morehead City, NC where I was working as a Dispatcher and State of North Carolina Concrete Inspector for Barrus Construction & Ready Mix Company.

After 6 years in North Carolina, we returned to New York were my brother-in-law had started an auto repair business and helped him get started up. I started working for the Federal Government with the US Marine Corps at their District Headquarters in 2000 where I joined the Contracting Team and worked with them for 6 years. At the present time, I work for the US Army Corps of Engineers in Contracting and I am assigned to the Baltimore District stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA on the National Geospatial Agency project (the largest construction contract that the Corps of Engineers has ever done: $1.8 Billion ). This is my last assignment. We plan on retiring in December, 2010 and hopefully headed south to Morehead City, or Myrtle Beach SC were I plan to do one hell of a lot of golf and fishing.

Update from Ray: May, 2012

I finally retired in June of 2011 from the Corps of Engineers. Peg and I moved to Myrtle Beach SC where I am golfing. I had a heart attack in Nov of 2010 and they put a pacemaker in me; I'm finally feeling real good and enjoying retirement. I'm adding a picture of the modern day me (to my Photo Album). It was taken in VA just before my retirement in 2011 at the last project site when I received a Coin from Gen Casey. If anyone is down this way and wants to hit a few feel free to e-mail me.

If anyone would like to contact me and talk about old times my E-mail is: delanort@hotmail.com

Ray Delano


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