Sgt Joe Cook

Training -- Basic at Fort Jackson (reporting April 1965) and then to Fort Sill (including "LPC" Training) for FDC Training.

Service: -- Assigned to --'B' Battery, 2/9th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division -- in Hawaii around Oct. 1965;
Tour in Viet Nam -- same Unit and -- Dec. 1965 to Jan. 1967 -- in the Central Highlands Region, with Base Camp in Pleiku.
Discharged in Jan. 1967

I went back to Waynesburg College and received degree in History instruction and taught middle School age group for 33 years.

After being out of the military for 10 years, I joined the Pennsylvania Air National Guard in 1977, on the 'try one program' and stayed for 20 years, retiring with a total of 25 years of service and a pension. The Guard Unit was the 1/104th. Aviation Battalion; as the Flight Operations NCO -- that is running the Air Traffic Control for a Helicopter Unit, in Washington, Pennsylvania.

I just recently applied for "Agent Orange" credit and was approved (it was recommended to me by a nurse at the VA Center) -- I had had a Heart Attack in 2007 and the Military feels -- "without challenge" that the Agent Orange might be a possible cause of Heart Attack. Anyway I receive compensation for that.


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