I came back from Vietnam in August, 1967 after a 12 month
tour. Didn't' have a job lined up, so I went indefinite. Wound up at
Ft. Stewart, Georgia, until 1969, then back to Ft. Sill for the FAOAC (Field
Artillery Officer Advanced Course). Then to Korea in 1970 for 13
months. Wanted to make the military a career but couldn't get a branch
transfer to Military Intelligence, so I got off active duty in June 1971 after
Korea. Served almost seven years on active duty and 22 years in the
reserves. Retired in 1993 (Couldn't make Colonel--peace was breaking out
all over, or so the news told us. Actually, 125-175 armed conflicts were
going on worldwide at the time.).
Received a M.S. degree in Recreation and Resources Development from Texas
A&M University in 1973. Went to Work for the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department (TPWD) from June 1973 to December 1998. Helped develop five
statewide outdoor recreation plans for Texas. Then I moved to Carson City,
Nevada, as soon as I retired from TPWD. Put out a statewide outdoor
recreation plan for Nevada. Retired again in April 2004, and moved to
Molino, Florida, to be with my two children and now three grandchildren. On
December 19, 2008, my wife Donna and I will celebrate our 40th wedding
anniversary. What a blessing my family has been, and is!
Never had any adverse effects from Vietnam. A few dreams right after
Vietnam, but nothing serious. Still don't trust communists from any
country, and I never will. I always wondered if we, the soldiers, could
have been friends with our enemy under different circumstances. Some
health issues, but I'm doing okay. Field artillery left me with hearing
problems. Spend a lot of time serving in The Gideons International at the
camp level. Currently, I'm president of the Pensacola East Camp.
Summary: Retired from Texas, Nevada, U.S. Army Reserves, and Social Security
(if you can call that a retirement).
Keep the faith.
Jim and his wife Donna reside in Molino, FL.