My ETS was March 1969 from the 82nd Airborne Div. Went to the Nam twice, one full tour and then TDY. I did not want to keep going back, so I did not re-up.
I would not tell people that I was in Nam for a very long time. My first job was selling insurance for two years. Then I went on my own for some time. I had a Fish and Chips place, a grocery store and record shop at one stage. That did not work out. Then I went in construction for three years, along with starting a clothing firm that went bust. My next stint was with the airlines for three years, but got fired. Wa-La I got into the IBEW train to become an electrician and had the usual ups and downs, i.e. lay offs and such. Made some money and opened a beauty shop and barber shop then bought the building it was in with seven units. Stayed with the Union and became a Business Agent/ Organizer.
I have a wonderful wife and two wonderful daughters. Life has been good in so many ways. I guess I just kept running from the Nam so they say. What the hell we are still here. I respect all of you Nam brothers.
Webmaster Note: Ernie is a "regular" at the 35th Infantry Regt reunions and attended the 2nd or "ENCORE" reunion of the 2/9th at Ft Sill, OK in May, 2017.