Dick Dwinell returned home in January, 1968 and currently resides in Harker Heights, TX.
After the year with the Mighty Ninth, we were back at Ft Sill with the G-3 shop at post. Back to Vietnam with MACV J3-06 in Saigon. It was to be with the 1st Cav Div Arty (volunteered) but my good friend and ex 2/9 LNO/S-3 Roger Bernardi diverted me to MACV. (He’s forgiven). This was followed by the “Best Year of Your Life” at C&GSC at Ft Leavenworth. Roger was there at that time as well. Grad school (MBA) after C&GSC and then back to Sill, again at post level but this time in doctrine development. Salvation occurred at the beginning of this tour. Then to Ft Hood with the 2d Armored Div Arty until it was no longer fun. After a couple months with a TRADOC test unit at Hood, retirement came. We’ve had our own financial advisory firm since 1984 with no intention of retirement again. Life is good, the Lord is better! We teach finances, new members, marital sexuality and facilitate several small groups to include a defensive hand gun group at our church. Our other passions include snow skiing and just started SCUBA diving. Janeen has patiently put up with Dick for 53 years as of August 2012.