I went to the 4th Inf Div in the middle of Dec 1969. I was assigned to the 2/9th Artillery and told I would be working with the 1/69th Armor at their HQ at the Oasis. There was three of us and one lieutenant. We were keeping track of all their movements, location and calls for fire support when it was needed. I had just got my feet wet and learning how to use the radio. I worked from 2300hrs to 0700hrs.
On 1Feb69, I was told to pack my duffel bag and get a chopper; I was headed out to a fire base.
This is my first time out on a Chinook . When I got to the fire base and it was with "C" battery, 1/92nd (155mm Howitzers) base. This is when I met LT Steven Riley Huffstutler (KIA). I think we were there about two weeks. I never knew the name of that fire base or the artillery unit until this Operation Green Lightning Report was posted online. I have a photo where I call it "the unknown fire base and artillery unit" in my Photo Gallery.
Steven M Cox
Dec 1968 to Jan 1970