Tales of the four-legged variety
Double Medal Winner! |
Danny Fort proudly hangs on to Bravo Battery Mascot "Short Round" |
Sp4 Joe Cook with "Short Round" |
Mocha |
Mr. Distemper? |
Nemo, the Scout Dog |
No-Name Mascot? |
TOC Mascot? |
Contributed by Herb Ables |
"B" Battery, 1968-69 |
Scout Dog |
Snoopy LZ Oasis in 1969. The Command Sergeant Major saved this dog and healed wounds on his back. Contributed by Walt Schneidereit |
Camp Enari |
SNOOPY get his orders
Orders for Snoopy being transfered to Divarty. "Wild Willie" being referenced was Top Davis from LZ Oasis. This was the nick name we used for him. |
Tales of the Mascot of Battery B, "Short Round"
"Short Round" used to steal the B Battery 1st Sgt's poncho liner and sleep on it. Then he either would bite or would try to bite the 1st Sgt {1Sgt Clifford Pullen} when the he tried to retrieve it. The 1st Sgt, not caring that he was dealing with a local legend, called him "that damned dog." Short Round got lost once when B battery left an LZ called "The Alamo." He made it across the mountains, and was found (by me, I think, but my memory is fuzzy on that) at an abandoned battery position next to an airstrip. He was soon reunited with B Battery. He had several flesh wounds. I heard (cannot confirm) that he was awarded a Purple Heart by the 3rd Brigade Commander. I also heard that he bit the Brigade Commander when he reached down to place the award on the dog's collar. That story would have to verified by someone else. I was not there."
Contributed by Dick Younger
I was on LZ Alamo, and yes, he ("Short Round") did leave for a few days. Our resupply point was the landing strip below Alamo. Alamo was the highest firebase in Nam at that time, as I remember we were socked in most of the time. The First Sgt was Clifford Pullen. Short Round did receive the Purple Heart twice while I was with B Battery . LZ Alamo is the firebase where the battery had to dig a big bunker and the B 52's came in on the Mountain across the Valley from us. NVA were dug in and would rocket the airstrip every day . We went in to direct fire on them, but it didn't work.
I had a "Stars & Stripes" newspaper with the story of "Short Round" getting the Purple Heart, but over the years, the paper had fell apart and is not readable any more. I finally got rid of it a few years ago. Short Round also was appointed the rank of Buck Sgt.Contributed by Danny Fort
I'll add to your new collection of dog pics. I don't remember of this little guy even had a name, but I know it died a few days after these pictures were taken, probably of distemper.Contributed by Danny Yates