Lt Bruce Hulin
My first duty assignment after Ranger School
was 2/9th and I deployed with the 3d
Brigade (25th Inf Div) to RVN arriving 12-28-65. Spent a full year in
Nam as an FO.
I returned to an AIG Co at Ft Polk, then Career
course @ Sill, returning to 1IFFV @ Corps Arty in Na Trang in 1969
Where I resigned. Vs taking an assignment @ WP.
You might know Gen Shinseki's first assignment
was the 25th, where he was sent to the 2/9th as an FO to Nam. In early '66,
I had all of 28 days in Hawaii living in a motel the whole time. You can see
we got favored treatment, RVN.
Ft Polk. RVN with the Sill 9 mos as a