FDC, "B" Battery, 2/9th, Oct 1968 - Oct 1969
My Tour:
Went to Basic Training Ft Dix, New Jersey and AIT at Ft
Sill, Okla. Arrived in-country 1 Oct 68 as a Private and left as a
Specialist 5 on 1 Oct 69. I was in the FDC the entire time, performing
all the various FDC duties including Section Chief.
During my tour, I had a few temporary assignments with the ARVN's, Special Forces briefly, but primarily served in support of the 2/35th Infantry Regiment.
The group photo in my album consists of Calvin T.
Garrett of Houston, Lt Charles Stout who served as an FO and as an FDO, PJ
Newsome of Colorado, Phil Johnson who I believe is from Pittsburgh. In
the front row is Jay Flamme of Colorado. The next guy is unknown to my
memory; he left shortly after I arrived. I am on the end. Jay Flamme was killed upon returning to the States while
on a firing range. A cruel twist of fate. I hope you guys are
growing old and are all well. Jay...rest in peace.
I was a Dobie Gillis fan (TV show) growing up.
Who shows up on one of the LZs? Zelda! Hope you recall The Many
Loves Of Dobie Gillis and Sheila James
(Kuehl) playing Zelda. Anyway, I sent her a thank you about 35 years after
the fact and I got a nice card back from her. She's a state rep in
California now and has been for years.