1966 - 1967 "B" Battery
My tour - 1966 - 1967 was really uneventful. I trained in Fort Jackson, at Fort Sill and assigned to Hawaii. I think I was in Hawaii for about two or three months maybe even six. Who knows? Anyway. I was a 13E20 in FDC ran charts and the radios. We left Hawaii for Viet Nam in Dec of 1965. I arrived in a C-141 with water tank, jeep+ trailer (we called the "Pink Kitty"). Also on board was another vehicle of some sort and I think a platoon of men. We were carrying our M-14 rifles. The runway we landed on, in the Central Highlands, was dirt and the plane turned around and took right off. Boy, it then got real quiet and we saw the Cav pulling out as they were there to pull security and now, we were on our own. That night was Pup Tents. No one dug a fox hole. I returned to California in Jan of 1967. I believe I extended for three months and thus was able to get a three month "early out". The Pink Kitty Trailer was a 1/2 ton trailer and then we built (plywood) a box on it. Inside we ran our FDC with radios and chart boards and map on the wall. I have no pictures of this (this was what we used in Hawaii). Needless to say this plywood did NOT work in Viet Nam and so in the Base Camp at Pleiku we had dug in a CONEX and covered it with sand bags and had a vent pipe sticking out the top. That was done in Jan of 1966. Then that’s that last time I saw it as the rest of my tour was in the field, keeping up with the infantry. It seems as though we moved about every three or four days, and of-course filled sand bags on each move. But I no longer have a good memory on that. I do not know when but "B" Battery was split up (sometime in Feb or Mar) - that is of the 6 - 105's (old type -split trails) one gun was left in base camp and we took the other 5 into the field with us. For awhile we convoyed around and then at some point we were moved by Helicopter (Huey, CH-47's and the big 'Crane' {SkyCrane} helicopter) for most of the Tour. The SkyCrane chopper was used when we kinked a 105 tube and they brought out a new tube, lifted the old off and mounted the new. One time I was sent back into Base Camp with the Battery Commander to pick up the payroll. I carried a .45 on my hip, but did not know how to use yet; I learned later. Anyway, my first return to Base Camp was an eye opener as we now had wooden barracks and even some sidewalks and a separate Mess hall. The next day we returned to the field and paid everyone. For awhile I drove the Commander around in the jeep. One time we in base camp and we had a little nip and I drove through a large mud puddle and we bounced kind of hard. Capt Rice yelled at me and took over the driving and did a 180 and - yes - drove right back through the same mud puddle.
The 292's {radio antennas} were always a challenge and in my memory I see them always straight and true. But I must have held my camera wrong for the 292's look CURVED in my pictures. Also in one position, we took artillery ammo boxes and made furniture. As to driving the jeep -- it was only used for awhile in base camp. MOST of the time it was our field radio power source. Thus the radios were in the FDC and cables out to the jeep. The jeep only moved when a CH-47 showed up and we would back it into the Chinook. One time we were airlifted into position and then the rain came and we flooded and so we were taken back out to higher ground.THE "PRE-CONEX" FDC DAYS
The (first) CONEX was never in the field with us and it was located back at the Base Camp in Pleiku. We would dig a horseshoe foxhole in the tent; the middle part of horseshoe is where the chart board was located. Radios were at the bottom ends of the horseshoe. Thus we felt we might be able to keep working when even under fire. Thankfully we never tested this concept. So we always worked from a GP-small with the horseshoe pit in the bottom and map boards on the sand bags and the jeep providing power. We would need to start the jeep up about every 4 hours I think. That’s all we did with the jeep and trailer except to back onto the CH-47. Actually, the jeep and trailer were pulled onto the CH-47 by a tow line from the chopper. One time I was holding the center pole while a CH-47 was flying in the pick up a load of empty brass casings, slung three on a string. Well, he got too close to our tent and the next thing I knew I was standing in the open with just the tent pole in my hand and the tent was on down the way.Ed Note: Please refer to the War Story "An Unlikely Hero". It tells the tale of a "grown up" CONEX airmobile FDC.
Referring to my Photo Gallery, starting Page (tab) #10, photos #97 through
#102, you will see a combination of young boys and adults being detained
at our firebase. The
Infantry brought them in for holding.
We were located North and West of Pleiku somewhere and all of a sudden lots of commotion sprang up in the Battery area. Come to find out the Infantry (don't know which unit) came into our Battery area. We were the first line of "holding" prisoners and then they sent to rear area – on up the ladder. I was on duty and heard the commotion and went over to see. I was surprised to see the “boys”/ “Rice Carriers”. And then I noticed two "older" fellows. The adults were in a gun section pit. They were eating some “good C-rations. (JCOOK-#98 in my Photo Gallery). One infantry guard by them (see the foot over his right shoulder).
Out of nowhere an interpreter shows up and, with an Infantry guy and an Officer. They go to one older fellow and take him out of the pit and to the field away from all the others. They begin to interrogate the adult. (JCOOK-#101 in Gallery). You will also notice that the Adults are not blindfolded – What’s with that?
As for the boy’s - (JCOOK-#102) - You see them as I found or saw them for the first time. It’s hard for me to put an age to them. (Asians usually looking younger than their age.) But I have placed them in the young teen to older teen age bracket. Anyway you see they are tied and blindfolded and are NOT TO TALK. But even in the pictures you can make out they are talking (whispering). And I could hear them. The boy in (JCOOK-#100) is trying to talk to the other. And has been told NOT to TALK! If you look at picture you will see that one boy leaning over and talking. Notice an infantryman coming in from the right. He sees them talking and takes his rifle butt and hits the kid on the back shoulder or hard on the head. It is curious that you will only see one guard at each place. That is there are three places – the adults are separate and the third is where the kids are.
After some time a Helicopter comes in and takes all away.
ROKs fill sandbags differently...
(Refer to JCOOK #9 in my Photo Gallery.) Here I am (other is unknown) showing the
ARVN how to fill sandbags. I think they are willing to let us demonstrate
as long as we wished. But
this brings to mind a time we set up a FSB in the boonies and right next
to us was a unit from the Republic of South Korea. (ROK). Only point here
how they built their bunkers with sandbags.
We layered our bags "sideways", that is, the top and
bottom of bag were laid left to right and flat.
ROKs layered their bags with the top and bottom laying in and out and on
their side. Thus the ‘wall’ was twice as thick, giving them twice the
protection. But you can figure out that the ROK solider had twice
the amount of work. Anyway, I always thought that was the way to
build a bunker.
I was there twice. See the photo above (not mine).
‘C’ rations
remember the
method of heating the "C"
rations, for some of us at
least, in "B"
Battery in 1966.
There were different methods and I seemed to narrow it down to the following. In order to get the meal in early days, we would line up and be handed a "C" ration packet. We had no choice. Later on, each Section would be given a whole case and then within the section, we would work it out. I do not remember ever having a problem, as we (FDC) each seem to like various ones. Of course, there were some that were left to be eaten during radio night watch and thus to snack on. My method was:
Example: I would get "Spaghetti w/ beef chunks in sauce in a B-2 Unit”.
I would take my trusty “P-38” (located on my Dog Chain, dirty as it was) and open my Spaghetti and being sure to leave the lid still attached to the can. I needed the lid still in place during the heating. After partially opening the can I would set the can into the box. I then set the box on fire. Lid must be on can. When fire went out, I would get the divider piece of card board that I saved from the box; this became my "pot holder". The partially attached lid would serve as a handle. Sometimes I folded the lid on both edges and thus a little sturdier to hold.
The result was piping hot C-rats. Boy I can smell it now! Remember the “Accessory Pack”?