Lt Mike P. Kurtgis
I served as an FO in July, 1968 with B/2/35 until 17 Sep 68. Then I went to HHB, DivArty, as an Air Observer (AO) for the 3rd Brigade from October, 1968 to July, 1969.I operated out of the 2/9th Battalion HQ while serving as AO at LZ Oasis and was the LZ Oasis nighttime FO (as an additional duty). The tiger hunts were the best.
Lost Medivac
I remember a situation where we (I was flying with Cider Fac) were firing a mission in
support of an Infantry Company (1/35th) who was hit pretty hard along a
blue-line stream in thick cover. They did not have radio contact with
their Higher HQ and we acted as the radio relay. Major Ferrel was in
contact with the Brigade HQ and relaying the SITREP and requests from the
Company. Maj Ferrel relayed the request for the Medivac (Dustoff) and
directed to the hot zone. Fast Movers were on the way also and Maj
Ferrel directed them when they got there. While the Medivac was hoisting the
WIAs, it took a direct hit from an RPG and went down in a fireball.
There had to be four or five guys that were hoisted onboard. It seemed
like I was flying the Chu Pa forever. My last mission which was July 1st,
was high up on the big mountain (1,480 meters) in support of another Company when the OH6
Loach we were in took incoming round from a Radar-guided Chicom 41mm antiaircraft.
They beat a line directly to our aircraft and at our altitude and it stopped
about 200 yards away from my door and pounded the airspace. I had a
perfect GT (gun-target) line back-azimuth and I looked up the range in my book
(which as I
recall was about 11 km) and it was inside Cambodia/Laos (don’t remember
which). I called an 8” Fire Mission, one gun, to adjust to my position (get
around political clearance, don’t you know) and then Azimuth 4800 mils, 11 km,
Battery 5 rounds, 100m grid (don’t remember the fuse or type round, etc., that I
used) and went back to the Oasis. That was my last fire mission and I
left Vietnam
arriving at Travis AFB on July 4th 69.
Helos weren't worth a damn...I
made two (2) auto rotations one week apart in the H23s as a result of engine
failures. I got several air medals but without "V" devices for
the combat hours I flew. I flew with Air Force Cider FAC Major Tarr, Major
Farrel and Capt. Himmelburger flying combined Artillery and Fast Mover missions;
we would occasionally swap roles. Capt. Himmelburger was wounded during
the Night Rocket attack on Pleiku and Enari the night Lt Steve Huffstutler was
killed. It was the night that I guided my pilot back to Oasis by shooting
flares and flying the instruments while the pilot maintained visual with the
ground. I got to fly both the helicopters and airplanes, but I was a non-military-rated
civilian pilot.
My Support
I gratefully acknowledge my two Recon Sgts, George Bishop and Lance Cayne, who
were with me when I served as FO for "B" 2/35th and Sp4 Ray Plunkett
who was with me at The Oasis out of the 2/9th TOC.
Russian Helicopter
{exchange of notes with Lt Donnie Blankin}
The UFO (occurrence) might have been the night I fired a mission against a
Russian helicopter that we had been tracking over Plei Me just west of the
Oasis. Q4 radar at the Oasis and the Hawk Missile radar was tracking the
aircraft. I fired the mission from the TOC at Oasis. I don’t’
remember which battery fired, but I called for air bursts, fuze time, as I
recall. They sent a Company out the next day to search the area and found
a bunch of aluminum confetti. And small pieces. It went on for about
six weeks including a conclusion at Oasis on Mothers Day, 1969 when the Oasis
was attacked and the Hawk Radar was destroyed. The whole mission was top
secret at the time.