I graduated from Providence College in June 1966 and was commissioned that day through the ROTC program. I entered the FAOBC course at Ft Sill in late August, and then served in the 1/6 Arty, 1st Armored Div at Fort Hood, Texas. I went to Panama in June 1967 for the jungle warfare course (Jungle Expert), and had assignment to the 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div. I arrived in Pleiku the very day that the 2 divisions exchanged 'colors,' in August 1967. {Webmaster note: the 3rd Brigades of the 25th Inf Div and the 4th Inf Div were swapped eff 1Aug67}.
I replaced Lt Malcolm Spencer at, "A" Battery, 2/9 Arty, 4th Inf Div. In Dec 67, I moved to FDO of "A" Battery, and in the spring of 1968 I moved to Battalion Headquarters, where I filled several positions until departing Nam mid-July.
Upon return to the states, I reported to Ft Lewis, Washington, and was released from active duty. I returned to Rhode Island and joined the active reserves, 76th Div, USAR, served as a Captain for several years, and then reverted to Inactive Status.