Forward Observer, A/2/35, August, 1968
Forward Observer, C/2/35 (replacing Roger Fulkerson, KIA) Sept 68 - Feb 69
Fire Direction Officer, B/2/9, Feb 69 - June 69
XO (shared duty), June 69 - DEROS
Tour of Duty
My first assignment was FO for A/2/35 which lasted about a week (that was long enough for me to see the biggest snake in all of Southeast Asia) in fact I very nearly sat down on him or it. I went to C/2/35 when (Lt Roger) Fulkerson was KIA to tend to his personal effects and remained there as his replacement. Fulkerson didn't have an RTO so I had to account for his SOI-SSI, radio, etc. When I was with A/2/35, I didn't have an RTO either so I carried my own radio. I got Raymond Wesley as my RTO when I got to C/2/35. This all happened in August and Sept. of 1968. I stayed with C/2/35 until February of 69 then went to "B" Battery as FDO. I was the only FDO there until May of 69 when Lt Russ Owen left D/2/35 and joined "B" Battery as FDO. Prior to my turn as FDO, Lt Charles Stout had been with the FDC in "B" Battery. Lt Ed McNew was XO of "B" Battery when I got there. Ed DEROS'd in June of 69 and me and Russ Owen split the XO duties but primarily ran the FDC. Capt Horsewell was the BC and pretty much took care of the firing battery but he really didn't care for duties of the FDC so it was a fairly even deal as far as Owen and myself were concerned. I know we all feel like we worked with the finest people in the military and I have to say that Russ Owen was the perfect partner. One of us had to be present in the FDC at all times and we were...without ever discussing who was going to be there. We had a good relationship and fully trusted each other. A lot of people didn't know about this, but Russ was actually considered and interviewed to be the 4th Division Commanding General's aide in 69. He claimed he didn't get the job because he associated with me and of course I claimed that I was the only reason he was even considered.
Casual outfits not
accepted at Camp Enari
It was early 1969; I was the FO for C-2-35 and told
to report to Enari. I was scheduled to become the FDO for
"B" Battery. I left the field with my Infantry company early one
morning and came in. I got a chopper ride to the airfield and caught a ride on
a 2-1/2 ton truck full of guys. They delivered me close to the area but still
had a decent walk. I had my CAR 15 locked and loaded and a Boonie hat on. My
steel pot was on top of my pack. The shirt I was wearing had a MACV patch on
it and the trousers didn't even reach the top of my boots which resembled Hush
Puppies. I looked like a mess, which was normal for someone spending time in
the Boonies. I was strolling down the street minding my own business when a
SFC came out of a building and locked my heels for not wearing my steel pot
and having a loaded weapon! He proceeded to rip in to me for a while before he
asked me where I was headed. We gradually got around to where I had been,
where I was going, and who I was. it would have been amusing had he not
promised me an article 15 and a firing squad. We ended up in their mess hall
drinking coffee. He got me a new clean uniform, then everybody thought I
was a FNG.
My RTO in Nam, Raymond Wesley, doesn't deal with Vietnam
very well. He and I are 2 of 5 survivors of an ambush on Sept. 30, 68 at Duc-Lap.
C/2/35 basically lost the 2nd Platoon on that day. I was WIA on that
day, but the physical wounds are nothing compared to the mental anguish of
seeing so many young soldiers killed and maimed in horrendous fashion and not
being able to stop it. I'm not sure Raymond or myself will ever make
peace with that days events. Hopefully Raymond will visit soon and get in
touch with some of the other 2/9th people and begin to realize that the good
guys didn't always win. Oddly Raymond became my RTO as punishment for getting
in trouble with the B battery 1st Sgt. I had Raymond sent back to
the Battery after he had only been out for a month. He was a good person and
RTO, but that was much too serious a job to have someone doing it as
I miss the 35th guys. (Lt) Bill Burdick was recon Platoon leader when
I was with C/2/35. Bill and his Recon guys got us out of a couple of tough
situations. Joe Henderson was the TOC NCO while I was with C/2/35 and
Terry Savely was a member of the TOC with Joe. Burdick was B/2/35 CO when
I went back to B/2/9 as FDO. Their FO was Lt. William Wallin. We were in the Chu Pa
and B/2/35 got in a tight spot one night. Lt. Wallin asked if I would
shoot a Firecracker round "Danger Close" to help them out. We had only
fired those rounds for area coverage until then. I had no idea if I would
be allowed to fire it, so I didn't ask. We worked up the mission and I gave the
gun a pep talk about making sure the bubbles were level and they did a good job
lining up on the aiming stakes. We fired the round and I said major
prayers until I heard Wallin come back on the radio. Apparently we did major
damage to the bad guys and they left B company alone for the rest of the night.
Wallin was at the 2000 reunion and mentioned the mission. When the B
guys found out I was the Arty Guy that fired for them, they insisted I have my
picture made with them. They're convinced we saved their behinds. I don't
know about that but they certainly made me feel good about it. I had a lot
of faith in Wallin and he deserves the credit for any good that came of the
CALVIN T. GARRETT - Yep, I remember
Houston as his hometown but I thought his middle name was "Pest".
I still have a phobia when it comes to Polaroid cameras. It was amazing how
often he could be there when you tripped over something, or banged your head
on the top of the door opening going out of the FDC. If you did something
"uncool" the first thing you heard was Calvin laughing and you
immediately knew he had a picture and was going to show it to everyone. He
would sneak up behind me with his camera to his eye, focused and everything
and when I would turn around there he was!!! Sometimes I would yell at him
"Quit Calvin" and that seemed to inspire him even more. He was one
of those guys you couldn't stay mad at, even for all the grief he caused me;
he kept things bearable for everyone.
IT "GOES WITH THE TERRITORY"(Firing 3200 mils out) Every FDO's nightmare I guess, and FO's. I was fortunate when I became a FDO. Shortly afterward Bravo battery got the new 102's and it became a "non-issue". I remember hitting a hootch one time with H&I fire because the maps didn't show anything at that location. Big surprise when a Major from DivArty showed up the next morning requesting the data from the missions and the opportunity to look at our charts and the situation maps. Obviously everything was good or I would have been writing this from a stockade somewhere and trying to blame Tom Roman (FDC Chart Operator). The hardcore Arty types would have proclaimed "it goes with the territory." The hootch was occupied and I was told the US would make appropriate contributions toward the survivors' well being. That didn't make me feel any better. Missing the target is bad enough, but hitting the target and having it turn out wrong is the "Pits".
A battery from the 5/17th buried an Illumination round literally feet in front of me one night during a blinding wind and rainstorm because someone on the gun crew left the nose plug in the round instead of fusing it. I hoped that made me a better FDO, but the ugly truth is the "goes with the territory" does apply and every time a round was fired a FDO and FDC guy was sending his reputation with it. Tough way to make a living I guess!!
Russ Owen and myself started noticing there was a lot of
data missing from max elevation low angle to the point where the gun was
considered as shooting high angle. The max range for the M102 was 11,500
meters. With Lt William Wallin adjusting for us we actually hit the right spot at over
13,000 meters. We interpolated to get the right elevation for the gun and used a
little Kentucky windage to compensate for the extra drift past the max
"book range". We thought about bringing this to the attention of
the Artillery branch at Ft Sill, but Owen said he didn't think they would be
happy with us doing R&D with the taxpayers bullets and probably less happy
that we were questioning the information they had provided for us.
The M102 with the base plate seemed to repeat better round to round than the
older version with the split trails. Anyway we were just low-life Lieutenants,
so who was really going to listen to us.
The "firecracker round" was the 1969 version of
the current CBU (cluster bomb unit). If my memory is correct there was
40 sub-munitions in a 105 round. It had a timed fuse that set correctly
would give you an airburst over the target thus distributing the sub-munitions
that burst when contacting the ground or the top of a tree. I don't know
when it was developed, but I remember "B" Battery using it on one
occasion in September of 68. The sub-munitions sounded like firecrackers
going off so I guess that is where the name came from. Lt Roger Fulkerson
(KIA) decimated an NVA company one night using it. The unit was moving down
highway 14 so they were in the open. I was with A/2/35 and fairly close
to the NVA unit. I listened to the mission and was close enough to see
the multiple flashes as the sub-munitions detonated. The initial sound
was like an Illumination round going off then came the multiple
"POPS" as the sub-munitions went off. When we fired the round
for Wallin it was the first and probably the only occasion it was used in
close proximity to friendlies. We used the normal chart data but added some
time to the fuse setting to give it a lower air burst thus making the coverage
area smaller (I hoped). My recollection is that there was a lot of
concern by the military about the round and accountability was horrific. I
suppose the concept was unique and the military didn't want a dud round to end
up across the fence. Some other FDO's told me they used the round for
counter-battery fire. The sub-munitions had a small kill radius (less
than a fragmentation grenade) but I suppose things falling out of the sky and
going off seemingly everywhere was bad for morale if you were on the receiving
end. When we fired it for Lt Wallin we used 1 gun. I would not like
to think you would use a full 6 gun battery firing a round from each gun
unless it was for something like counter-battery.
The CONEX-FDC was a terrific concept. In May of 69 we
relieved a 105 battery at an LZ belonging to the 101st. Their CONEX had a hole
in one side about the size of a basketball. It was made by a B-40 rocket
and I was told no one had survived the hit. We always had a hole dug for
our CONEX, so it was mostly below ground. At the LZ I mentioned the NVA
fired RPG's at our antennas on a couple of occasions just to let us know they
were around. They always missed. I thought the CONEX was a normal
piece of equipment for all 105 batteries. I didn't realize it originated in
the 2/9th. In 68-69, everybody seemed to have one for the FDC. Those
things sure heated up during the day and when the battery moved our CONEX
probably doubled in weight from all the stuff we carried in it mostly for
other people. The Battery Commander treated it like a personal storage
JENNIFER (JENNY) YOUNG - OUR WONDERFUL "DONUT DOLLY": My recollection of Jenny, that day and that picture. "B" Battery was packing up to move. On the DVD, the camera pans from Jenny to the group of guys she was talking to. You can see an Air Force jet, in the background, dropping Napalm probably 500 meters outside the perimeter. Nobody flinched, nobody stopped paying attention or even looked away. Jenny never stopped her presentation or gave any indication that something else was going on. We all decided we liked that Girl!! Duty, Honor, Country by example. Thanks, Jenny for all that you did for us. Sometimes you did it “in spite of” scary things going on. When Tom (Roman) sent me the DVD he asked Do you remember Jenny? Of course I did.
{An exchange of notes with Lt Mike Kurtgis}
The Soviet reporter provides his take on the "cruelty" of Ft
Sill's Artillery course. This was during the height of the Vietnam
conflict and training officers in E&E.