In-Country 31 May 69
Incident on 17 Nov 68; dec on 15 Mar 73
Panel 18W, Line 125

Sp5, E-5, 529641178
MOS 13E20, Age 29
Hqtrs Svc Battery
KIA, RPG shrapnel

 St. Louis Park, UT


MEMORIES OF SP5 Joshua Stewart:

Joshua Stewart was my replacement in the 1/35th  Inf Regt Liaison when I was Medevac’d to the 71st Evac for 28 days. He was hit in the head with a single piece of shrapnel when the bunker (not TOC) was hit with an RPG on 11-29-68{Note. Coffelt Database lists 11-17-69 as the date he was transferred to Letterman General Hospital.  His tour of duty began on 31May69}

I went to see him at the 71st  Evac Hospital. He was separated from the other patients, had not regained consciousness, and was draining from the nose and ears.  He was married with two or three children and finally passed away on 15Mar73.  

Unfortunately, some Army clerk listed his death as “non-combat related”, a serious error of fact. 

Milton Pounds, 2/9th FA

TRIBUTE - Major Bud Gardner

Josh and I went thru basic training together. He was a great leader and example. He chose not to go to OCS, and served honorably as an enlisted. We spent time driving from Oklahoma to Utah. I Salute a fellow Vietnam Veteran, an American Hero!


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