In-Country 22 Feb 69
KIA 2 Aug 69
Panel 20W, Line 086
SP4 E-4, 329383038
MOS 13A10, Age 24
Oak Lawn, IL
David Edward Fitzgerald from Oak Lawn
Illinois held the rank of Specialist 4th Class in the U.S. Army.
He was a machine gunner on a convoy and the vehicle hit a mine near Ban Me Thout.
David never married.
Specialist 4 Fitzgerald was
enlisted as Field Artillery Basic through Selected Service in the Army.
David was a Ride Captain with the Patriot Guard Riders. He is buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Worth, IL.
graduated from Leo High School, Chicago, Illinois, in 1963. In the fall of 1963
he enrolled at Notre Dame Universtiy, graduating in 1967 with a BBA degree.
David loved sports, especially football. He injured his right elbow in his
senior year but never complained. When his number came up in the draft, he was
rejected---"You couldn't salute to surrender." After many attempts, he
finally was accepted. David's Dad died the following year. He was a dear, loving
son and sorely missed by all."
---Mrs Edward
Fitzgerald, mother of David Fitzgerald
following is a letter written to President Nixon by the Fitzgerald family in
response to his Presidential Letter of Condolence)
President Nixon, September 4, 1969
you so much for your kind note of sympathy concerning the death of our beloved
son, David, in Viet Nam on August 2. It meant a lot to us to know that you
really do care that our sons are dying in Viet Nam. I hope and pray there will
be a way to end this war so no more families will have to undergo the agony and
despair we are experiencing.
were so proud of our son.
His Irish father was so happy he was accepted and graduated from Notre
Dame! He had so much to give to this country! Seems like the nice, educated boys
are dying in Viet Nam and the rabble-rousers in the colleges now are exempt and,
heaven help us, will run our country in the near future.
Army has been most sympathetic to us. Sgt. Klaus D. Meissner, who escorted
David's body from Oakland, California, was most kind, gentle, and considerate.
It was such an honor to have a soldier like Sgt. Meissner accompany David home.
The firing squad was excellent; they were from Fort Sheridan. Warrant Officer
Blummer from Orland Park was, and still is, very kind and considerate of our
needs. He calls repeatedly asking if we need his assistance.
you Mr. President again for everything and I hope and pray there will be a
solution to this Viet Nam war. Our prayers are with you and your lovely family.
very truly,
Edward E Fitzgerald
I first met David at basic training and again at AIT. At the time I lived on the south side of Chicago. David and I traveled home together on those rare occasions and became friends.He was a good caring friend. I was serving in V.N. when I got the word of his death. I wrote his parents expressing my sympathy. I will never forget the letter his mother wrote back to me! God bless David and the Fitzgerald family.
Ray Fiala, 6th Bn, 32nd Artillery (vietnamvet1968@aol.com)
My name is Michael Fitzgerald Kuckel, named after David Fitzgerald. He was my father's friend at Notre Dame. He made the sacrifice and is not forgotten. My twin sons are Benjamin Fitzgerald Kuckel and Joseph Fitzgerald Kuckel. David Fitzgerald you are not forgotten, and your name will live on as long as the Kuckel name. You are family and we thank you for your sacrifice.
Michael Fitzgerald Kuckel (mkuckel@hotmail.com)