In-Country 28 Aug 67
KIA 25 Dec 67
Panel 32E, Line 057
Sp4 E-4, 18837715
MOS 13B20, Age 19
"C" Battery
Riverside, CA
Danny was killed by a "short round" during
placement of "defcons" (defensive concentrations) on Christmas Day, 1967.
Three soldiers were killed and thirteen others wounded.
Danny is buried at Crestlawn Memorial Park, Riverside, CA
Danny was initially in
our FO party with B/2/35 as RTO and got promoted to Recon Sgt and went to another company.
------Lt Wayne Crochet, FO, 2/9th FA (dec 2021)
Wayne Jeter of Riverside was killed in combat action in Vietnam on
Christmas morning the Department of Defense announced yesterday. He was 19.
Born in Corpus Christi, Texas on September 8, 1948, Jeter attended Chemawa
Junior High School and Ramona High School in Riverside. During his high school
years, Jeter’s chief interest was hunting, camping, and fishing. He
graduated from Ramona in June, 1966 and on September 8 of that year, his 18th
birthday, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Following Basic Training at Fort Ord,
Jeter was sent to Germany. In Germany, Jeter volunteered for duty in Vietnam.
After completing his service, Jeter planned to obtain his college degree and
then work for the telephone company.
Danny was buried in Crestlawn Cemetery, Riverside, California.
Danny Wayne Jeter, was a member of “C” Battery, the 2/9th Field
Artillery (The Mighty Ninth). He was attached to “C” Company, 2/35th Infantry
Regiment as a member of a Forward Observer party. Danny died in the
service of his country on December 25th, 1967 in Quang Ngai, Vietnam. The
cause of death was listed as Friendly Fire, a short 4.2 mortar round,
which was defective. At the time of his death Danny was 19 years of age. He
was from Riverside, California. Danny is honored on the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial at Panel 32E, Line 057.
The decorations earned by SP4 Danny Wayne Jeter include: the Purple Heart, the
National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam
Campaign Medal and the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation.
to Sp4 Danny Jeter
Danny Jeter was a friend of mine at Ramona High School in Riverside, CA. He
was one of the first people who was ever friendly to me there. I remember
skipping first period class, piling into his black, 40's era coupe and heading
down to the local doughnut shop where the "cool and tough" guys
would hang out. I was neither cool nor tough, but Danny was at ease with
everyone and if I was with him, it was OK. Danny was good with his hands,
worked on cars, but was not the world's greatest student. We used to have long
talks about life, especially about the Vietnam war, which was heating up
pretty quickly in those days, and what was going to happen to us. I think it
was pretty clear to him that he would end up in the service sooner than later.
I had intentions of going to college, but I was still worried about the draft.
I can still remember him saying, "don't worry, Bob, you're smart--you'll
make it, you'll be all right..." I used to feel a strange sense of guilt
over that, as if he knew he would end up in Vietnam and I wouldn't. (As it
turns out, he was right--I did go to college, and am also a Vietnam Era
Veteran {Air Force} but did not serve in Southeast Asia.) I remember being a
freshman in college and finding out from an LA news broadcast on Christmas Day
of 1967, "only one Southern California casuality, today, Danny Jeter of
Riverside." I can still feel the state of shock I was in as I watched the
news. I never knew the details of Danny's death until I read the remembrance
by Colonel George. I must admit, it's very disturbing to find out that he and
nine buddies were killed by friendly fire while trying to celebrate Christmas.
I guess I always had a more noble scenario in mind, some heroic act worthy of
being portrayed by a movie star. Still, I can only imagine what it must have
felt like to then-Lieutenant George and the others in his company for their
Christmas to be interrupted in such a horrific way. I don't think that there
is a week that goes by that I don't think about Danny and what a great guy he
was, so positive and outgoing and a friend to all. As I write this, it's
Memorial Day and that makes my memories even stronger. This past year my 14
year-old son went on a school trip to Washington DC, and I asked him to make a
rubbing for me from the Wall of Danny's name, which I'm happy to say he was
able to do. I'm proud to have called you my friend, Danny, and I'll never
forget you. God Bless you in heaven.
Robert J. Murphy, 5835 Normandie Place, Riverside, CA 92504
Monday, May 28, 2001
Relationship: We were high school classmates
On the Christmas day, Charlie Company was doing what it was supposed to do. Sending out short sweeps just to make sure. Things were kind of quiet. By 1700H, everyone was back in the perimeter and it was time to enjoy Christmas. At 1922H, defcons were called in. One short round, later determined to be defective, landed inside the perimeter of Charlie Co. LT Ronald J. Siengo, from C Co, Sp4 Danny W. Jeter and PFC Charles D. McClurg, with the 2/9th Arty, were KIA. Charlie Company also lost 13 other men that night who were WIA; John Wallace, Raymond Rivera, George Rollins, Wilber Gillespi, Thomas O’Conner, Cluris Spivey, Kenneth Westfall, James Boykin, Brooks Woolcok, Noble Smith, Walter Powell, Leland Edelen, and Ted Deviak. I did not know any of these fine men. But every Christmas my thoughts come back to them. I hope the wounded went on to lives filled with joy. I say a prayer for the family of those who did not return from this day. "Friendly fire" has always been a tragedy of war, but knowing that doesn’t make it feel better.
------Jim Anderson, Bravo 2/35 67-68)
I was just looking at the book I got when I got out of basic training to look up old friends when I looked on line and saw that he gave all . I was in Vietnam 67-68 with the 4th Inf Division we will always be brothers you will never be forgotten.
------Howard Raymo