In-Country 23 Mar 69
Incident on 15 Aug 69; dec on 19 Aug 69
Panel 19W, Line 067
PFC E-3, 321424608
MOS 94B20, Age 20
"A" Battery
Markham, IL
{Webmaster's Note: PFC Easley's death was an accident; he was
preparing the
gas heaters for the morning breakfast. Two of our redleg brothers
have provided
a very moving tribute to him.
Please see "War Stories - PFC Odell Easley - A Tribute"
PERSONAL DATA Home of Record: Markham, IL Date of birth: 07/16/1949 MILITARY DATA Service: Army of the United States Grade at loss: E3 Rank: Private First Class ID No: 321424608 MOS: 94B20: Food Service Specialist Length Service: 01 Unit: A BTRY, 2ND BN, 9TH ARTILLERY, 4TH INF DIV, USARV CASUALTY DATA Start Tour: 03/23/1969 Incident Date: 08/15/1969 Casualty Date: 08/19/1969 Age at Loss: 20 (based on date declared dead) Location: Pleiku Province, South Vietnam Remains: Body recovered Casualty Type: Non-hostile, died of illness or injury Casualty Reason: Ground casualty Casualty Detail: Burns ON THE WALL Panel W19 Line 67