In-Country 19 Jan 69
KIA 6 Nov 69
Panel 16W, Line 038

E-3, 202380821
MOS 36K20, Age 23
"A" Battery

 Ellwood, PA

PFC David John Gamble was KIA during the
attack on LZ St. George, November, 1969.  He is buried
in Graceland Cemetery, New Castle, PA


Obiturary provided by Mr. Jeff Bales of Graceland Cemetery:

New Castle News  

Thursday Jun 11, 1970  

Ellwood Youth Cited                                                                     


Mr and Mrs Edwin G. Gamble of Ellwood City, RD1 recently received medals awarded to their son, the late Cpl David J Gamble, who was killed November 6, 1969 in Vietnam while serving as a cannoneer with Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery, 4th Infantry Division.

Cpl David J.
Gamble was a graduate of Laurel High School and joined the Army in August. 1968. His medals included the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.

The citation with the Silver Star noted that Cpl Gamble distinguished himself while engaged in military operation against an armed hostile force in Vietnam. His unit at Landing Zone St. George came under heavy enemy sapper attack. The enemy had penetrated the perimeter at several places and was moving against the howitzer positions. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Cpl Gamble exposed himself to enemy fire to man a machine gun. He placed a tremendous volume of machine gun fire on the enemy, halting the advance and allowing friendly casualties to be moved to cover. Until he was fatally wounded by an enemy rocket, Cpl Gamble's extreme courage, aggressiveness and exemplary devotion to duty are in keeping
with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the US Army




LZ St George - We were together that night, and you are in my mind and heart.

     --- Max Rishell (rishell50@mchsi.com)


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